1、She was advised not to resort to ____ imitations, but save up for the real things. 单选题 1分
2、He was ____ of private farmers. 单选题 1分
3、Prices are ____ according to the rate of exchange. 单选题 1分
4、It is a ____ fact that when we grow older, we tend to become weaker and weaker. 单选题 1分
5、In British universities, it is ____ to cease work and spend a half-hour or so sipping tea and eating cookies with the members of one's department. 单选题 1分
6、Similarly, in any autocratic regime, the holders of power become increasingly ____ with experience of the delights that power can afford. 单选题 1分
7、I tried to calm her down, but she was almost ____. 单选题 1分
8、Trifling as the matter was, he yet ____ felt that she was hurt by his oversight. 单选题 1分
9、She did not move and seemed, ____ quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance. 单选题 1分
10、Hit by the recession, he lost his job and now has little ____ income. 单选题 1分
11、Lisa's fairytale world came to a(n) ____ end when her best friend was unexpectedly transferred to another school. 单选题 1分
12、Although it is now very ____, but I believe it will certainly be able to one day into the clouds. 单选题 1分
13、The last two years of Maxwell's life were devoted to caring for his ____ wife, although he too was ailing. 单选题 1分
14、There was one small and ____ house with a very small window. 单选题 1分
15、The painting depicts an idyllic ____ scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep. 单选题 1分
16、The elderly lady was ____ sorry for what she had said to the shop assistant. 单选题 1分
17、It has to be said it was rather ____ of him to ask a complete stranger to look after his luggage. 单选题 1分
18、She was a fairly ____ person who had strong religious views. 单选题 1分
19、Cute and ____, these peach-shaped buns are usually prepared on birthdays as a symbol of longevity. But how were they made? 单选题 1分
20、He began to feel it ____ and awkward, but still he sat on because he could not get up and go. 单选题 1分
21、It is ____ to do the same work every day for ten years. 单选题 1分
22、Fortunately there is a very ____ amount of work in which new circumstances call for new skill and a man can go on improving, at any rate until he has reached middle age. 单选题 1分
23、It seems ____ to assume that all the drugs for sale have been tested. 单选题 1分
24、While negotiating, one must bear in mind that a trade war is not a war in the ____ sense. 单选题 1分
25、Gamblers are ____ folk who do not like to remain in one place for long lest it bring them bad luck. 单选题 1分
26、Boys shouldn't stay indoors all the time. They get ____ if they cannot go outside to play. 单选题 1分
27、Holmes was asked to help the police investigating the ____ deaths of children at the hospital. 单选题 1分
28、They resent being ruled over by a ____ boss. 单选题 1分
29、On the surface the plant may appear ____, but all of the activity is happening below the surface at this point. 单选题 1分
30、Since the beginning of this year, terrorist attacks all over the world have become more ____. 单选题 1分
31、Such a ____ proposal would never get through Parliament. 单选题 1分
32、If children were made to feel ____ to other children their confidence decline. 单选题 1分
33、When I was young and ____ I believed it was possible to change the world. 单选题 1分
34、If the goods prove ____, the customers has the right to compensation. 单选题 1分
35、The government was accused ____ military operations against the regime. 单选题 1分
36、This ____ porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship. 单选题 1分
37、These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking in any ____ interest. 单选题 1分
38、This ____ factor means that there is often a connection in appearance and temperament between parents and children. 单选题 1分
39、It was not until 1884 that the first ____ fiber was made. 单选题 1分
40、We demand justice for the body ____ for the soul. 单选题 1分
41、You have a natural and ____ talent and skill. 单选题 1分
42、He would have preferred his wife not to work, but ____ he was also proud of what she did. 单选题 1分
43、As you head deeper into the hills, the animals get thinner, the children more ____. 单选题 1分
44、This not only generated a ____ amount of e-mail from the system, but had a dramatic impact on the performance of any action. 单选题 1分
45、The accident was the ____ consequence of carelessness. 单选题 1分
46、Diamonds have little value and their price depends almost entirely on ____ their scarcity. 单选题 1分
47、You seemed a bit ____ about recommending that restaurant--is something wrong with it? 单选题 1分
48、A surprising percentage of the population are computer ____. 单选题 1分
49、I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone, but he's very ____. 单选题 1分
50、Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their ____ ancestor. 单选题 1分
51、In the past 10 years, ____ measures have radically reduced levels of tooth decay in children. 单选题 1分
52、The countryside is flat and ____. 单选题 1分
53、We are ____ people, beset by oppressors. 单选题 1分
54、They have held their franchise so long that change has become ____. 单选题 1分
55、As the King's representative he took ____ over everyone else on the island. 单选题 1分
56、Since China was ____ a tea culture, tea has a very important place in Chinese culture. 单选题 1分
57、We are ____ affected by what happens to us in childhood. 单选题 1分
58、Whereas anti-Semitism is banished, it has been replaced with a ____ fear of Islam and of Muslims. 单选题 1分
59、He made only a few ____ changes in the manuscript. 单选题 1分
60、The media described the young actor's performance as ____ successful. 单选题 1分
61、These charities depend on the ____ feelings and generosity of the general public. 单选题 1分
62、In the 200 meter race, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third ____. 单选题 1分
63、Jane was extremely ____ and believed the color green brought bad luck. 单选题 1分
64、This may sound ____, but I assure you it is quite important! 单选题 1分
65、Elizabeth swims so ____, as if it's the easiest thing in the world. 单选题 1分
66、Their ____ visit had to be postponed because of the terrible weather. 单选题 1分
67、After the medical accident, she was reduced from head nurse to ____ nurse. 单选题 1分
68、Fossil fuels have caused ____ damage to the environment. 单选题 1分
69、____ we could find no sign of the man and the search was terminated. 单选题 1分
70、Pedants are inclined to made ____ distinctions so they can show off their learning. 单选题 1分
71、Her sadness was obvious, but she believed that her feeling of depression was ____. 单选题 1分
72、Blueberries are ____ to America. 单选题 1分
73、The government could face defeat if it tries to push through the _____ proposals. 单选题 1分
74、He has emerged from being a(n) _____ and unsure candidate into a fluent debater. 单选题 1分
75、Calmly and _____, she poured petrol over the car and set it a light. 单选题 1分
76、Are you looking for a temporary or a(n) _____ job? 单选题 1分
77、I was determined to take the news in a calm and _____ manner. 单选题 1分
78、As is well-known, he is ____ at organizational work. 单选题 1分
79、Most factories in the area are ____ and badly managed. 单选题 1分
80、They ____ attacked others whom they believed to be heretical. 单选题 1分
81、When you zoom in to make the characters ____, the images become rough and blocky. 单选题 1分
82、This political organization has been ____ for a decade since it was introduced by a newspaper in 2000. 单选题 1分
83、There were several colonial houses to choose from, ranging from the modest to the ____. 单选题 1分
84、We must not be ____ with such a small success. 单选题 1分
85、Opportunities will improve as the company expands ____ and internationally. 单选题 1分
86、Members of Parliament were ____ that the government had not consulted them. 单选题 1分
87、Maybe my work is not ____, but it will live for a while. 单选题 1分
88、Every one of the great figures of the historical significance, is measured by the exploits of his country, his character is measured by his ____ behavior. 单选题 1分
89、Best of all, it's ____, it never goes out of date. 单选题 1分
90、He felt ____ and dissatisfied as he drove home. 单选题 1分
91、The laser represents a true marriage between science and technology,the men, who devised it were ____ engineers and physicists. 单选题 1分
92、She grew up with a drunken mother and a ____ father. 单选题 1分
93、Working with one’s head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as ____ work. 单选题 1分
94、The conservation group was ____ in its opposition to the new airport. 单选题 1分
95、It seemed impossible that these ____ boats could survive in such a storm. 单选题 1分
96、He asked me to look at both sides of a case before making a(n) ____ decision. 单选题 1分
97、Don't expect this horse to be ____. It runs away whenever a chance presents itself. 单选题 1分
98、Some fresh fruits are highly ____ and should be kept in cool places. 单选题 1分
99、He has a ____ knowledge of animals. 单选题 1分
100、Is your ring ____ gold? 单选题 1分
101、It was a ____ evening and I really had a good sleep. 单选题 1分
102、These plastic flowers look so ____ that many people think they are real. 单选题 1分
103、No one imagined that the apparently ____ businessman was really a criminal. 单选题 1分
104、What makes the space shuttle ____ is that it takes off like a rocket but lands like an airplane. 单选题 1分
105、The microphone enabled them to keep in touch, in other words, it made it ____ for them to contact each other. 单选题 1分
106、Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can ____ attack their trainer. 单选题 1分
107、In aerospace devices the weight of the necessary power producing equipment is ____. 单选题 1分
108、It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely ____. 单选题 1分
109、The finance minister has not been so ____ since he raised taxes to such a high level. 单选题 1分
110、The Englishman who has a fancy for France will try to be French; the Englishman who admires France will remain ____ English. 单选题 1分
111、And all these questions, according to the Angel of the House, cannot be dealt with freely and openly by women; they must charm, they must conciliate, they mus to put it ____, tell lies if they are to succeed. 单选题 1分
112、The proliferation of railways has ____ improved the rural economies through which they passed. 单选题 1分
113、A Philistine is a full-grown person whose interests are of a material and commonplace nature, and whose mentality is formed of the ____ ideas and conventional ideals of his or her group and time. 单选题 1分
114、Looking you straight in the eye does not mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars often do this ____. 单选题 1分
115、But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more ____, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child. 单选题 1分
116、Friends, says he, the Taxes are indeed very heavy, and if those laid on by the Government were the only Ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them but we have many others, and much more ____ to some of us. 单选题 1分
117、The ____ idea that by 1975 more than 60 percent of American families would own two or more sets was preposterous. 单选题 1分
118、He's a ____ eighteen-year-old, reasonably well-groomed, but facile of speech. 单选题 1分
119、Equally, the notion that anyone, of either sex, can create good art out of simple feeling, untempered by discipline, is a ____ one. 单选题 1分
120、Fools act on imagination without knowledge; ____ act on knowledge without imagination. 单选题 1分
121、Her work is often very hard and she gets very tired. The work is ____. 单选题 1分
122、I can meet you at eight o’clock; ____ you can call for me. 单选题 1分
123、The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of ____ quality, he'd tell them so. 单选题 1分
124、There were no tickets ____ for Friday's performance. 单选题 1分
125、The reference she made to her friend, the poet, was interesting but too ____ for anyone to appreciate. 单选题 1分
126、Your help is ____ for the success of the project. 单选题 1分
127、The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a ____ attitude. 单选题 1分
128、An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, ____ couldn't see his work on his machine. 单选题 1分
129、The number of tickets ____ will be determined by the size of the stadium. 单选题 1分
130、My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very ____ about the food he eats. 单选题 1分
131、It isn't quite ____ that he will be present at the meeting. 单选题 1分
132、He has impressed his employers considerably and ____ he is soon to be promoted. 单选题 1分
133、Our research has focused on a drug which is so ____ as to be able to change brain chemistry. 单选题 1分
134、Henry's news report covering the conference was so ____ that nothing had been omitted. 单选题 1分
135、No one has ____ been able to trace the author of the poem. 单选题 1分
136、The new secretary has written a remarkably ____ report only in a few pages but with all the details. 单选题 1分
137、On the porch was a ____ mirror, to give the traveler a comical image of himself. 单选题 1分
138、They are not ____ towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them. 单选题 1分
139、A ____ change in policy is needed if relations between the two countries are ever to improve. 单选题 1分
140、I have also encountered individuals who are unhappy with their jobs and envy the freedom I have to escape a ____ day-to-day routine and travel the world for extended periods of time. 单选题 1分
141、What I valued most while in Europe was the close proximity to other countries, each with their own ____ languages, cultures and customs. 单选题 1分
142、Sugar is not an important element in bread, but flour is ____. 单选题 1分
143、I’m sorry but what he thinks is not of the ____ importance to me. 单选题 1分
144、The authorities declared that because of the war petrol was ____ and had to be rationed. 单选题 1分
145、The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded. 单选题 1分
146、What I'm telling you is strictly ____. Do not let anyone know of it. 单选题 1分
147、She is so ____ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died. 单选题 1分
148、All too ____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays. 单选题 1分
149、What a ____ office! How did you fit so much into so little space? 单选题 1分
150、When there's doubt the examiner's decision is ____. 单选题 1分