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1、The differences between sound and form are the following EXCEPT _____. 单选题 1分

2、Many words of the basic word stock enter quite a number of set expressions, idiomatic usages, proverbial sayings and the like. Take heart for example: break one's heart; heart and soul. This example shows basic word stock is characterized by _____. 单选题 1分

3、Technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas, such as penicillin in medicine and orchestra in music, are called _____. 单选题 1分

4、In Middle English vocabulary, we can find words relating to every aspect of human society,e.g. government, law, food, fashion and so on. Which of the following words does NOT belong to them? 单选题 1分

5、There are such new words as soy milk, talk shows, and telequiz in Modern English. These words show _____. 单选题 1分

6、Which of the following is NOT true? 单选题 1分

7、The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is _____. 单选题 1分

8、Which of the following words does NOT have prefixes? 单选题 1分

9、Which of the following words is NOT a stem? 单选题 1分

10、Which of the following words has a prefix of size? 单选题 1分

11、Of the following words, “_____” is the result from blending. 单选题 1分

12、He bad-mouthed me. This example shows that compounds are different from free phrases in _____ features. 单选题 1分

13、_____, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. 单选题 1分

14、In modern English some words were created by imitating the natural sounds or noises, and the sounds suggest their meanings, like bang, croak, and buz. These words are _____ motivated. 单选题 1分

15、Which of the following statements is NOT true? 单选题 1分

16、Words that are different in sound and spelling but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning are _____. 单选题 1分

17、The word face has more than ten meanings, but diachronically it has one primary meaning, which is _____. 单选题 1分

18、Which of the following pairs is NOT contrary antonyms? 单选题 1分

19、The process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance is _____ of meaning. 单选题 1分

20、Which of the following examples shows degradation of word meaning? 单选题 1分

21、The following are linguistic factors that cause the change of word meaning EXCEPT _____. 单选题 1分

22、When a word with multiple meanings is used in inadequate _____, it creates ambiguity. 单选题 1分

23、In which of the following phrases, does the word do means “arrange”? 单选题 1分

24、Context clues include the following EXCEPT _____. 单选题 1分

25、The lion’s share cannot be turned into the share of the lion, which indicates _____. 单选题 1分

26、The following idioms show that many idioms are grammatically unanalysable EXCEPT _____. 单选题 1分

27、The rhetoric device used in the idiom up and down is _____. 单选题 1分

28、Which of the following is NOT a bilingual dictionary? 单选题 1分

29、As the _____ dictionary is intended for the use of high school students, it is easy to read and so appropriate for Chinese readers. 单选题 1分

30、If one knows the conceptual meaning of fable, fiction, story, tale, but wants to find out the difference between them, the best choice is a dictionary of synonyms, which is a _____ dictionary. 单选题 1分

31、A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and _______ and syntactic function. 填空题 2分

32、After the Romans,the Germanic tribes called Angles,Saxons,and Jutes came and dominated the British Isles.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as _______ English. 填空题 2分

33、The forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function are _______. 填空题 2分

34、He wolfed down his lunch.In the sense of word formation, the word wolfed is formed by _______. 填空题 2分

35、Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic _______ and its meaning. 填空题 2分

36、A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one _______, for example, fast/loose, fast/slow, fast/sober. 填空题 2分

37、Words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic _______. For example, pitied originally meant “full of pity”, but now has changed to “deserving pity”. 填空题 2分

38、Trade union means differently between western countries and China, which indicates that _______ context may affect the meaning of words. 填空题 2分

39、Being phrases or sentences, each idiom consists of more than one word, but each is a semantic _______. For example, till the cows come home means “forever” and functions as an adverb. 填空题 2分

40、A Chinese-English Dictionary(1995)boasts of the _______ of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items, as in the example that 布衣素食 is rendered as “coarse clothes and simple fare” instead of “wear cotton clothes and eat vegetable food”. 填空题 2分

41、名词解释题:vocabulary 简答题 3分

42、名词解释题:stem 简答题 3分

43、名词解释题:sense 简答题 3分

44、名词解释题: narrowing(of meaning) 简答题 3分

45、名词解释题:metonymy 简答题 3分

46、简答题:State the four classes of the loan-words according to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing. 简答题 5分

47、简答题:Form adjectives by adding the given suffixes to the words below(each suffix can be used only once):-ish;-ful;-like;-ed;-able (1) wash (2) child (3) mouth (4) brown (5) simple-mind 简答题 5分

48、简答题:What are the three types of antonyms? Match with the following example words: hot/cold, single/married, parent/child. 简答题 5分

49、简答题:Explain what causes ambiguity in the sentence I like Mary better than Jean. 简答题 5分

50、分析题:According to what, does affixation fall into two subclasses: prefixation and suffixation? Explain the differences between prefixation and suffixation. 简答题 10分

51、分析题:Comment on the differences between synonyms by analyzing the following synonymous groups. (1) want, wish, desire (2) result, consequence (3) empty; vacant 简答题 10分



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