1、作为核心部件协调整个计算机系统进行正常工作的部件是()。 单选题 1分
2、在CPU执行程序的过程中,由于发生了某事件而需要CPU暂时中止正在执行的程序,转去处理该事件,处理完之后再回到被中止的程序继续执行,这个过程称为()。 单选题 1分
3、存储容量按照从小到大排列的顺序为()。 单选题 1分
4、以下关于固态硬盘的叙述中,错误的是()。 单选题 1分
5、某计算机系统中设置一个控制单元、多个处理单元和多个存储模块进行数据处理,它是通过()实现计算任务处理的并行性。 单选题 1分
6、假设需要对编码为1010010(八进制表示为122)的数据进行偶校验并将校验位加在最高数据位之前,则增加校验位之后的编码用八进制表示为()。 单选题 1分
7、高级语言程序中的()表示一组相同类型变量的有序集合。 单选题 1分
8、()编程的目的不是向计算机发出指令,因此其程序不具有运算逻辑和动作特征。 单选题 1分
9、栈是限制为元素只能后进先出的数据结构,每个元素仅入栈和出栈各1次。对于初始为空的某栈,其入栈的元素序列为1234,则()不是合法的出栈序列。 单选题 1分
10、数据结构中,树描述了集合中元素之间的一对多逻辑关系,即()。 单选题 1分
11、计算机算法是对特定问题求解步骤的一种描述,算法的可行性是指()。 单选题 1分
12、在Windows 7操作系统中,()可用于各个应用程序之间相互交换信息。 单选题 1分
13、“从减少成本和缩短研发周期考虑,要求嵌入式操作系统能运行在不同的微处理器平台上,能针对硬件变化进行结构与功能上的配置。”是属于嵌入式操作系统的()特点。 单选题 1分
14、数据库系统中,构成数据模型的三要素是()。 单选题 1分
15、假设事务T1对数据D1加了共享锁,事务T2对数据D2加了排它锁,那么()。 单选题 1分
16、给定关系R(A,B,C,D,E)和关系S(A,C,E, F,G),对其进行自然连接运算RS后其结果集的属性列为()。 单选题 1分
17、高校教学管理系统中的院系关系Department和学生关系Students的模式分别为:Department(院系号,院系名,负责人号,电话),学生关系Students(学生号,姓名,身份证号,院系号,联系电话,家庭住址)。若关系Students中的属性“家庭住址”可以进一步分为邮编、省、市、街道,则该属性为(19)。关系 Students中(20)。请将下面的SQL语句空缺部分补充完整。CREATE TABLE Students(学生号CHAR (8) PRIMARY KEY,姓名 CHAR (10),身份证号CHAR(13),院系号CHAR(13),联系电话CHAR(13),家庭住址CHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY (21)); 单选题 1分
18、高校教学管理系统中的院系关系Department和学生关系Students的模式分别为:Department(院系号,院系名,负责人号,电话),学生关系Students(学生号,姓名,身份证号,院系号,联系电话,家庭住址)。若关系Students中的属性“家庭住址”可以进一步分为邮编、省、市、街道,则该属性为(19)。关系 Students中(20)。请将下面的SQL语句空缺部分补充完整。CREATE TABLE Students(学生号CHAR (8) PRIMARY KEY,姓名 CHAR (10),身份证号CHAR(13),院系号CHAR(13),联系电话CHAR(13),家庭住址CHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY (21)); 单选题 1分
19、高校教学管理系统中的院系关系Department和学生关系Students的模式分别为:Department(院系号,院系名,负责人号,电话),学生关系Students(学生号,姓名,身份证号,院系号,联系电话,家庭住址)。若关系Students中的属性“家庭住址”可以进一步分为邮编、省、市、街道,则该属性为(19)。关系 Students中(20)。请将下面的SQL语句空缺部分补充完整。CREATE TABLE Students(学生号CHAR (8) PRIMARY KEY,姓名 CHAR (10),身份证号CHAR(13),院系号CHAR(13),联系电话CHAR(13),家庭住址CHAR(30) FOREIGN KEY (21)); 单选题 1分
20、某企业信息系统采用分布式数据库系统,“当某一场地故障时,系统可以使用其他场地上的复本而不至于使整个系统瘫痪”称为分布式数据库的()。 单选题 1分
21、防火墙通常可分为内网、外网和DMZ三个区域。按照受保护程度,从高到低正确的排列次序为()。 单选题 1分
22、“保证合法用户对信息和资源的使用不会被不正当地拒绝”、“保证数据的一致性,防止数据被非法用户篡改”分别属于信息安全的()基本要素。 单选题 1分
23、某股票运营公司的股票信息系统出现了如下问题,其中最严重、影响面最大的问题是()。 单选题 1分
24、以下选项中,()是我国著作权法所保护的对象。 单选题 1分
25、如果张三将盗版软件给李四使用,李四不知道该软件是盗版的,那么()。 单选题 1分
26、按照ISO的OSI/RM的分法,计算机网络的体系结构参考模型分为()。 单选题 1分
27、TCP/IP是国际互联网(Internet)事实上的工业标准,它包含了多个协议,所以也称它为协议簇,或者协议栈。该协议簇的两个核心协议是其本身所指的两个协议集,即()。 单选题 1分
28、数据通信模型按照数据信息在传输链路上的传送方向,可以分为三类。下列选项中,()不属于这三类传输方式。 单选题 1分
29、以太网(Ethernet)是一种计算机局域网技术,由美国 Xerox等公司研发并推广。以太网协议定义了一系列软件和硬件标准,从而将不同的计算机设备连接在一起。以太网技术规范是一个工业标准,下列选项中不属于其技术规范的是()。 单选题 1分
30、一般来说,网络管理就是通过某种方式对网络态进行调整,使网络能正常、高效地运行。下列选项中不属于网络管理范围的是()。 单选题 1分
31、从IPv4的地址构造来看,其表达的网络地址数是有限的。现在有一个C类地址:210.34.198.X,意味着这个地址唯一标识一个物理网络,该网络最多可以有255个结点。但若此时有多个物理网络要表示,且每个物理网络的结点数较少,则需要采用子网划分技术,用部分结点位数作为表达子网的位数。此处用结点数的前两位作为子网数,就可以区分4个子网了。此时其对应的子网掩码是()。 单选题 1分
32、软件工程的基本要素包括方法、工具和()。 单选题 1分
33、系统可维护性的评价指标不包括()。 单选题 1分
34、以下关于项目估算的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
35、以下关于敏捷方法的叙述中,不正确的是() 单选题 1分
36、某互联网企业使用Bug管理工具来管理Bug,支持 Bug录入、追踪等功能。该工具属于()。 单选题 1分
37、以下不属于信息系统层次结构的是()。 单选题 1分
38、以下关于信息系统组成的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
39、以下关于信息系统的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
40、信息系统项目的采购管理不包括()。 单选题 1分
41、以下关于信息系统项目的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
42、以下关于信息系统项目管理的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
43、以下关于系统说明书的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
44、以下选项中,()不属于实体联系图。 单选题 1分
45、以下选项中,()不属于统一建模语言中的图。 单选题 1分
46、结构化模块设计的辅助工具不包括()。 单选题 1分
47、以下关于数据库设计的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
48、以下不属于面向对象程序设计特性的是()。 单选题 1分
49、以下关于单元测试的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
50、某工厂已有一套ERP系统,但无法满足新的需求,要上线一套新的ERP系统,新系统上线后直接停用已有系统,这种系统转换方式属于() 单选题 1分
51、IT系统管理工作的IT部门人员管理包括IT组织及职责设计、IT人员的教育与培训及第三方/外包的管理。其中IT组织设计原则涉及多方面内容,下面()不属于这些组织设计原则应考虑的内容。 单选题 1分
52、系统日常操作管理是整个IT管理中直接面向客户并且是最为基础的部分,从广义的角度讲,运行管理所反映的是IT管理的一些日常事务,它们除了确保基础架构的可靠性之外,还需要保证基础架构的运行始终处于最优的状态。下面选项中,不属于系统日常操作管理范围的是()。 单选题 1分
53、现在的IT系统运行环境发生了很大变化,特别是分布式环境中的管理系统在管理复杂环境、提高管理生产率及应用的业务价值方面表现出了更好的优越性。这些优越性不包括下列选项中的()。 单选题 1分
54、IT资源管理中的硬件配置管理,硬件经常被划分为各类配置项(Configuration Item,CI)。一个CI或一组CI在其生命周期的不同时间点上通过正式评审而进入正式受控的一种状态称为基线。下列选项中,()不属于基线的属性。 单选题 1分
55、IT资源管理中,软件管理的范围涉及到对软件资源的认定。下列选项中,()不属于软件资源 单选题 1分
56、现代计算机网络维护管理系统主要由四个要素组成。下列选项中,()不属于这四个要素。 单选题 1分
57、常见的网络管理协议主要有两种,一种是由ISO定义的通用管理信息协议(CMIP),另一种是由IETF定义的()。 单选题 1分
58、故障管理流程包含五项基本活动,其基本管理流程顺序是()。 单选题 1分
59、数据库故障中的事务故障是指事务在运行至正常终点前被终止,此时数据库可能处于不正确的状态,恢复程序要在不影响其他事务运行的情况下强行回滚该事务。恢复要完成的工作包括:①对该事务的更新操作执行逆操作,将日志记录更新前的值写入数据库②反向扫描日志文件,查找该事务的更新操作③继续反向扫描日志文件,查找该事务的其它更新操作,做同样的处理④如此处理下去,直到读到了此事务的开始标记正确的恢复步骤是()。 单选题 1分
60、信息系统的安全管理中,物理安全主要包括三个方面。下列选项中,()不属于这三个方面。 单选题 1分
61、没有绝对安全的环境,每个环境都有一定程度的漏洞和风险。风险是指某种破坏或损失发生的可能性,风险管理是指识别、评估、降低风险到可以接受的程度。下列选项中,()不是风险管理的内容。 单选题 1分
62、系统性能评价中的系统吞吐率指标是系统生产力的度量标准,描述了在给定时间内系统处理的工作量,一般是指单位时间内的工作量。其中的TPS评价指标是指()。 单选题 1分
63、系统能力管理从一个动态的角度考察组织业务与系统基础设施之间的关系,这需要考虑三个方面的问题。下列选项中,()不属于这三个方面的内容。 单选题 1分
64、能力管理是所有IT服务绩效和能力问题的核心。能力管理的高级活动项目有三方面内容。下列选项中,()不属于这三方面的内容。 单选题 1分
65、根据信息系统的特点、系统评价的要求与具体评价指标体系的构成原则,可以从三个主要方面对信息系统进行评价。下列选项中,()不属于这三个方面的内容。 单选题 1分
66、信息系统评价中,系统效益评价指的是对系统的经济效益和社会效益等做出评价,可以分为经济效益评价和社会效益评价。经济效益评价又称为直接效益评价。一个企业信息化的收益包括产值增加所获得的利润收益和产品生产成本降低所节约的开支。下列选项中,()不在产品生产成本降低所节约的开支之列。 单选题 1分
67、新的计算机系统在投入使用、替换原有的手工系统或旧的计算机系统之前,必须经过一定的转换程序。系统转换的组织是一个较复杂的过程,必须根据详细的系统转换计划进行。系统转换计划中确定转换方法有四种。下列选项中,()不属于这四种转换方法。 单选题 1分
68、Today, it's hard to imagine any industry or business that has not been affected by computer-based information system and computer applications.Most experts agree on the fundamentaldifference between data and information. Data are raw facts about the organization and itsbusiness transactions. Most data items have little meaning and use by themselves. Information is data that has been (71)and organized by processing and purposeful intelligence. The latter, purposeful intelligence, is crucial to the definition一People provide the purpose and the intelligence that produces true (72). In other words, data are a by-product of doing business. Information is a resource created from the data to serve the management and decision-making needs of business.Information technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) withtelecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Information technology has created a data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manaae this data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manage this data andinformation has become a critical success factor in most businesses.An information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, informationpresentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-dayoperations in a business, as well as support the problem-solving and decision making needs of management and users. Stated simply, information systems (74) data into usefulinformation. An information system exists with or without a computer. But when informationtechnology is used, it significantly (75) the power and potential of most information systems. 单选题 1分
69、Today, it's hard to imagine any industry or business that has not been affected by computer-based information system and computer applications.Most experts agree on the fundamentaldifference between data and information. Data are raw facts about the organization and itsbusiness transactions. Most data items have little meaning and use by themselves. Information is data that has been (71)and organized by processing and purposeful intelligence. The latter, purposeful intelligence, is crucial to the definition一People provide the purpose and the intelligence that produces true (72). In other words, data are a by-product of doing business. Information is a resource created from the data to serve the management and decision-making needs of business.Information technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) withtelecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Information technology has created a data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manaae this data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manage this data andinformation has become a critical success factor in most businesses.An information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, informationpresentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-dayoperations in a business, as well as support the problem-solving and decision making needs of management and users. Stated simply, information systems (74) data into usefulinformation. An information system exists with or without a computer. But when informationtechnology is used, it significantly (75) the power and potential of most information systems. 单选题 1分
70、Today, it's hard to imagine any industry or business that has not been affected by computer-based information system and computer applications.Most experts agree on the fundamentaldifference between data and information. Data are raw facts about the organization and itsbusiness transactions. Most data items have little meaning and use by themselves. Information is data that has been (71)and organized by processing and purposeful intelligence. The latter, purposeful intelligence, is crucial to the definition一People provide the purpose and the intelligence that produces true (72). In other words, data are a by-product of doing business. Information is a resource created from the data to serve the management and decision-making needs of business.Information technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) withtelecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Information technology has created a data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manaae this data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manage this data andinformation has become a critical success factor in most businesses.An information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, informationpresentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-dayoperations in a business, as well as support the problem-solving and decision making needs of management and users. Stated simply, information systems (74) data into usefulinformation. An information system exists with or without a computer. But when informationtechnology is used, it significantly (75) the power and potential of most information systems. 单选题 1分
71、Today, it's hard to imagine any industry or business that has not been affected by computer-based information system and computer applications.Most experts agree on the fundamentaldifference between data and information. Data are raw facts about the organization and itsbusiness transactions. Most data items have little meaning and use by themselves. Information is data that has been (71)and organized by processing and purposeful intelligence. The latter, purposeful intelligence, is crucial to the definition一People provide the purpose and the intelligence that produces true (72). In other words, data are a by-product of doing business. Information is a resource created from the data to serve the management and decision-making needs of business.Information technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) withtelecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Information technology has created a data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manaae this data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manage this data andinformation has become a critical success factor in most businesses.An information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, informationpresentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-dayoperations in a business, as well as support the problem-solving and decision making needs of management and users. Stated simply, information systems (74) data into usefulinformation. An information system exists with or without a computer. But when informationtechnology is used, it significantly (75) the power and potential of most information systems. 单选题 1分
72、Today, it's hard to imagine any industry or business that has not been affected by computer-based information system and computer applications.Most experts agree on the fundamentaldifference between data and information. Data are raw facts about the organization and itsbusiness transactions. Most data items have little meaning and use by themselves. Information is data that has been (71)and organized by processing and purposeful intelligence. The latter, purposeful intelligence, is crucial to the definition一People provide the purpose and the intelligence that produces true (72). In other words, data are a by-product of doing business. Information is a resource created from the data to serve the management and decision-making needs of business.Information technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) withtelecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Information technology has created a data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manaae this data and information(73) in virtually all businesses. The ability of businesses to harness (利用)and manage this data andinformation has become a critical success factor in most businesses.An information system is an arrangement of people, data, processes, informationpresentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-dayoperations in a business, as well as support the problem-solving and decision making needs of management and users. Stated simply, information systems (74) data into usefulinformation. An information system exists with or without a computer. But when informationtechnology is used, it significantly (75) the power and potential of most information systems. 单选题 1分