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1、Linguistics studies not any particular language,e.g.,English,Chinese,Arabic,and Latin,but it studies I() in general. 填空题 4分

2、Explain the following definition of language: Language is a system of arbitrary symbols used for human communication. 简答题 4分

3、Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive,and prescriptive grammar is no longer used in current language teaching. () 判断题 4分

4、As traditional grammars aim to lay down rules for“correct”behavior,they are said to be (p ). 填空题 4分

5、Moder linguistic,i.e.,linguistic study carried out in the 20th century,is mostly prescriptive. 判断题 4分

6、( )grammars attempt to tell what is in the language while ( )grammars tell people what should be in the language. 单选题 4分

7、Synchronic linguistics 简答题 4分

8、Diachronic linguistics focuses on the description of language at some point in time while synchronic linguistics focuses on the description of language development through time. 简答题 4分

9、diachronic study 简答题 4分

10、Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. In linguistic evolution,however,speech is prior to writing,therefore,the spoken language rather than the written should be given priority in modern linguistics. 判断题 4分

11、Modem linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. 判断题 4分

12、langue 简答题 4分

13、According to Saussure, ( ) refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. 单选题 4分

14、parole 简答题 4分

15、Chomsky defines (c ) as the ideal speaker's knowledge of the rules of his language. 填空题 4分

16、The distinction between competence and performance proposed by chomsky is similar to Saussure's distinction between langue and parole. 判断题 4分

17、competence 简答题 4分

18、Arbitrariness 简答题 4分

19、Often referred to as a design feature of language, ( ) enables speakers to produce and understand an infinite number of sentences that they have neither spoken nor heard before. 单选题 4分

20、Language system is culturally transmitted,i.e. by teaching and learning,as opposed to (g ) inheritance. 填空题 4分

21、The framework of design features was proposed by a linguist called ( ). 单选题 4分

22、The fact that different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages well illustrates the ( ) nature of language. 单选题 4分

23、Human language is not only genetically transmitted,but also culturally transmitted while animal pall systems are genetically transmitted.( ) 判断题 4分

24、Language users can send messages which no one else has ever sent before,which results from( ) of language . 单选题 4分

25、arbitrariness 简答题 2分

26、Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any (a ) system of communication. 填空题 2分






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