1、It has been proposed that brain activity would follow a definite pattern.When we speak,words are drawn from()and sent to(),which determines the details of their form and pronunciation. 单选题 5分
2、The most important part of the brain is the outside surface of the brain, called the cerebral (c ). 填空题 5分
3、Which of the following mental functions is NOT under the control of the right hemisphere in most people? 单选题 5分
4、In general,brain damage or blood-clotting in one hemisphere may be accompanied by paralysis of the limbs on the (o ) side of the body. 填空题 5分
5、As a result of human brain lateralization,the right hemisphere processes stimuli more analytically and the left hemisphere more holistically. 判断题 5分
6、Lateralization is an evolutionary precondition of the development of superior intelligence as well as a precondition of language acquisition. 判断题 5分
7、Language functions are believed to be lateralized primarily in the (l ) hemisphere of the brain. 填空题 5分
8、lateralization 简答题 5分
9、The mental function of ( ) is under the control of the left hemisphere. 单选题 5分
10、In general,the left hemisphere controls voluntary movement of,and responds to signals from,the left side of the body. 判断题 5分
11、Please explain dichotic listening tests with example(s). 简答题 5分
12、Broca’s area 简答题 5分
13、The following utterance“ I eggs and eat and drink coffee breakfast”is most likely produced by a patient whose ()is damaged. 单选题 5分
14、When we listen, the word is heard and comprehended via the ( ) area. 单选题 5分
15、Angular gyrus 简答题 5分
16、The language faculty of an average human degenerates after the critical period and consequently,most linguistic skills cannot develop. 判断题 5分
17、() has a strikingly different view from the other three on language and thought. 单选题 5分
18、The fact that successful translation between languages can be made is one of the major arguments against the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. 判断题 5分
19、the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis 简答题 5分
20、Apart from the biological predisposition for language acquisition, language() is required for successful language acquisition. 单选题 5分
21、As language and thought may blend together as“verbal thought”and“inner speech,”we cannot think without language while we cannot speak without thinking. 判断题 6分