1、According to the Natural Approach, ______ is not absolutely essential for language acquisition. 单选题 1分
2、The Natural Approach believes that the teaching of _________should be delayed until comprehension skills are established. 单选题 1分
3、One of the objectives by the Natural Approach is to enable the students to make the meaning clear but not necessarily be ______ in all details of grammar. 单选题 1分
4、According to the Natural Approach,______plays only the insignificant function to convey meaning. 单选题 1分
5、The Natural Approach was proposed in 1977 by ____,a teacher of Spanish at the University of California. 单选题 1分
6、In a Natural Approach classroom, most of the classroom time is spent on activities which foster ________. 单选题 1分
7、The book The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom states the ( ) and ( ) of the Natural Approach. 填空题 1分
8、The acquisition activities in a Natural Approach class are usually divided into four groups: affective-humanistic, problem-solving, ( ) , and content. 填空题 1分
9、The ( ) of a Natural Approach class are divided according to basic personal communication skills and academic learning skills, with focus on the former. 填空题 1分
10、In the Natural Approach, to minimize stress, the learners are not required to ( ) , especially at the beginning stage, but they are expected to make responses. 填空题 1分
11、In the opinion of Krashen and Terrell, ( ) is the primary function of language. 填空题 1分
12、In the acquisition-learning hypothesis, it is said that speakers are concerned with not the form but the ( ) of language. 填空题 1分
13、The Natural Approach advocates that language teaching should emphasize ( ) rather than form. 填空题 1分
14、Krashen maintains that acquisition comes about through meaningful ( ) in a natural communication setting. 填空题 1分
15、In the Natural Approach, to ( ) stress, learners are not required to speak until they feel ready, but they are expected to make responses in other ways. 填空题 1分
16、The Natural Approach considers ( ) as the most important element of any language teaching program. 填空题 1分
17、The Natural Approach believes that comprehension abilities precede ( ) skills in learning a language. 填空题 1分
18、A: the main feature/view of the Natural Approach ①Language is best taught when it is being used to transmit message. ②The Natural Approach claims to be able to incorporate any of the techniques of other methods. ③People acquire a language from what they hear and understand. ④Students' errors are not corrected unless meaning is affected. ⑤Class time is devoted primarily to providing input for acquisition. B: the advantage or disadvantage associated with the feature a. The techniques are often borrowed from other methods. b. It emphasizes comprehensible and meaningful input. c. It emphasizes the process of language acquisition rather than the product. d. It stresses the importance of understanding. e. Formal learning of language rules is of little value. ①______ ②______ ③______ ④______ ⑤______ 简答题 5分
19、What are the four characteristics of the Natural Approach? 简答题 5分
20、What is the primary goal of the Natural Approach? 简答题 5分
21、What are the disadvantages of the Natural Approach? 简答题 5分
22、What are the guidelines for classroom practice in the Natural Approach? 简答题 10分