1、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. economic reach 简答题 1分
2、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. achieve eminence 简答题 1分
3、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. a zero-sum game 简答题 1分
4、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. exceptionalism 简答题 1分
5、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. Sino-American relationship 简答题 1分
6、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 贫富差距 简答题 1分
7、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 基尼系数 简答题 1分
8、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 平均主义 简答题 1分
9、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 限高 简答题 1分
10、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 关税 简答题 1分
11、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 增值税 简答题 1分
12、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 营业税 简答题 1分
13、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 资源税 简答题 1分
14、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 地下经济 简答题 1分
15、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 偷漏税 简答题 1分
16、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 弱势群体 简答题 1分
17、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 基础阶层 简答题 1分
18、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 兜底 简答题 1分
19、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 社会保障事业 简答题 1分
20、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 转移支付 简答题 1分
21、原文:我们的信息技术取得了一个又一个辉煌胜利。 译文: Our information technology has won one brilliant victory after another. 改译: 简答题 5分
22、原文:当年在广州闹革命的时候,我们还年轻气盛。 译文: When we were making revolution in Guangzhou in the past, we were young and arrogant.改译: 简答题 5分
23、原文:目前,农业科技在中国农业增产中的贡献率约为35%,世界上农业发达国家在60%以上。 译文: At present, the contribution made by science and technology to agriculture accounts for about 35 percent of the agricultural production increase in China, while the agriculturally advanced countries exceed 60 percent. 改译: 简答题 5分
24、原文:见此情景,我猛然想起在60路沿线上有家福利工厂。 译文: Seeing this situation,I suddenly remembered that there was a welfare factory on the route of Bus No. 60 percent. 改译: 简答题 5分
25、原文:上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。 译文: People from Shanghai are easy to understand Suzhou dialect, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 改译: 简答题 5分