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1、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the steam engine 简答题 1分

2、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the pneumatic tyre 简答题 1分

3、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the Football Association 简答题 1分

4、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. kicking and grabbing 简答题 1分

5、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. Rugby Football Union 简答题 1分

6、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. Wimbledon Tennis Championships 简答题 1分

7、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. Grand Slam 简答题 1分

8、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the physical and mental condition 简答题 1分

9、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. athletic disciplines 简答题 1分

10、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 中华民族精神 简答题 1分

11、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 古老文明意蕴 简答题 1分

12、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 经典华章 简答题 1分

13、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 东方思想 简答题 1分

14、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 民族气韵 简答题 1分

15、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 人文特质 简答题 1分

16、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 精诚所至,金石为开 简答题 1分

17、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 和平、友谊、进步 简答题 1分

18、Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 更快、更高、更强 简答题 1分

19、节日不仅仅是日常生活的调剂,更是维系民族认同感的纽带。巧合的是,联合国教科文组织的世界教师节、美国的教师节、中国台湾和香港的教师节,都是定在孔子诞辰日,即9月28日,而我们自己却有意回避这一天。 简答题 5分

20、首先,我们应承认自己害怕,并继续尽可能正常生活下去,与此同时采取必要的预防措施。譬如,不再和一个健康的朋友握手是荒谬可笑的。 简答题 5分

21、现代奥运会是团结、友爱与和平的象征。20世纪以来,奥运会还创造了一些家喻户晓的伟大标志,如五环、火炬、金牌和吉祥物等。 简答题 5分

22、空气中能容纳一定量的水汽,气温愈高,空气中所能容纳的水汽愈多,反之愈少。白昼的温度一般比较高,空气中可以容纳较多的水汽。 简答题 6分

23、为了传播奥林匹克精神,中国同时也帮助其他发展中国家完善其体育设施,例如我们已经帮助他们建设了36座体育场馆,我们今后还将继续这样做。 简答题 5分






周一至周五 9:30-18:30


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