1、Word and Phrase Translation. business-and--pleasure 简答题 1分
2、Word and Phrase Translation. allowance 简答题 1分
3、Word and Phrase Translation. loan 简答题 1分
4、Word and Phrase Translation. an articulated bus 简答题 1分
5、Word and Phrase Translation. applause 简答题 1分
6、Sentence Translation. As weather cools across the United States, a growing number of Americans visit farms. They harvest hay wagon rides and walk in the fields. 简答题 5分
7、Sentence Translation. Children love to play, but for some children, the idea of simple joyful playtime can seem very far away. These boys and girls may look differently than others, and not be able to move around as others do.? 简答题 5分
8、Sentence Translation. I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interests involving appropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is rally fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. 简答题 5分
9、Sentence Translation. Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a gal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes the price is the no. 简答题 5分
10、Sentence Translation. What strikes visitors more than anything about London is the sheer size of the place. The population-currently around seven million-may be declining, but it is still by far Europe`s largest city. 简答题 5分
11、Sentence Translation. 同国民经济发展幅度相比,中国的社会保障事业以及社会转移支付表现出一种明显滞后的情形。在这种情况下,农民、城镇的退休人员及其亲属最有可能成为贫困者,从而使整个社会的贫富差距拉大。 简答题 5分
12、Sentence Translation. 近年来,中国出口厂商受到了亚洲金融危机的冲击。该地区许多国家的经济不景气引起消费市场萎缩,货币疲软使购买力下降。 简答题 5分
13、Sentence Translation. 利用废旧塑料瓶为原料制作衣服需要经历一个复杂的物理化学过程。据中国科学院兰州分院化学物理研究所博士简令奇介绍,PET的回收分为物理回收和化学回收。 简答题 5分
14、Sentence Translation. 国内外的专家研究发现,一个中等大小的台风,抵达陆地时可降下30亿吨的水量。在中国、印度、菲律宾、越南和美国沿海地区,台风带来的降水量占了全年水量的30%左右。 简答题 5分
15、Sentence Translation. 为什么洋节大行其道而传统节日冷冷清清?学者们认为这是文化自轻和自我殖民的结果。 简答题 5分