1、The most common traits I have observed are a passion to change the world and the confidence to defy the odds and succeed.( ) 单选题 2分
2、For the engineers among us who understand that the obvious is not always the solution, and that the fact, no matter how implausible, are still the facts.( ) 单选题 2分
3、These cars have the fuel efficiency, reliability and space to get you through your daily commute with ease.( ) 单选题 2分
4、In his book, Lawson admits the existence of global warming and agrees to make some efforts contain it.( ) 判断题 2分
5、Lawson believe that moderate warming would be tolerable and do good to our planet.( ) 判断题 2分
6、Western airliner manufacturers seem to be tripping over themselves in their eagerness to sign collaborative agreements with Asian partners as a low-cost route to developing new airliners. Their potential Asian partners seem to be tripping over themselves to sign such agreements, as a low-cost route to acquiring new airliner technology. If they are not careful the two sides will end up tripping over each other: the one by selling its birth-right for short-term gain, the other by trying to break into a market which isn‘t big enough to sustain it. Technology transfer works in a growing market, where the aspirations of the new entrant receiving that technology can be met through expansion. The airliner market is not such a device. Even the most optimistic projections of airliner sales for the next 20 years show that airliner manufacture can only be profitable if a small number of aircraft builders share the available sales. It follows that if new manufacturers come into the market and take sales, their sales must come from substitution, not expansion. Given the complexity of today‘s airliners, it is unlikely that any new entrant will have both the financial and technical resources to come into the market without the involvement of an established manufacturer. In the short term, such involvement may not be to the exclusive benefit of the new entrant: most of the established manufacturers are searching for ways to reduce costs of manufacture. In the short term,, it can be of benefit to an established Western manufacturer to have either components of complete air – frames made or assembled in lower-wage economics such a China, Taiwan or Korea, while retaining the design, development and marketing of aircraft for itself. It would be a very unwise Western manufacturer which did not heed the fact that these developing economies are acquiring skills ( like computing ) at least as quickly as they are acquiring skills in metal bashing. The danger comes when the new entrant no longer needs the established Western partner because it has acquired the technical and intellectual ability to design and build its own aircraft. An Asian partner may well find itself in the happy position of having the low-cost labour base, the high-cost technology base and the vital financial base to build a new airliner. The author’s attitude towards Western/eastern collaboration can be depicted as( ). 单选题 2分
7、“The airliner market is not such a device” means that the airliner market( ). 单选题 2分
8、Established manufacturers search for partners in order to( ). 单选题 2分
9、According to the author,a wise established manufacturer should( ). 单选题 2分
10、The word “base” in the last paragraph represents( ). 单选题 2分
11、His argument boils down to two parts: climate change is not the threat we believe and efforts to stop it are doomed and dangerous. 简答题 2分
12、At times, though, the mask of rationalism slips. 简答题 2分
13、Until the twentieth century cigarette smoking was not a widespread habit. The cigarette industry started in the 1870’s with the development of cigarette manufacturing machines. It helped produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly and reduced the price greatly. And consequently more and more people, both men and women, began to smoke cigarettes. Men as a group, however, smoke more than women. But the highest proportion of smokers is found in the age group of 24-44, regardless of sex difference. Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’s smoking habits. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if a well-educated man with higher income smokers at all, he is likely to smoke more packs of cigarettes per day. The situation is somewhat different for woman. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family incomes and higher education than among the lower income and lower education groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily. Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenage smokers from upper-income, well-educated families, and fewer from families living in farm areas. High school students who are preparing for college are less likely to smoke than those who do not plan to continue their education after high school. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of their parent smoke. When did cigarette smoking begin to become a widespread habit among men and women according to the author? 简答题 2分
14、Among which age group of people are you likely to find the highest proportion of cigarette smokers according to the passage? 简答题 2分
15、According to the passage what has little to do with a person’s smoking habit? 简答题 2分