1、( ) refers to the relations holding between elements replaceable with each other at particular place in structure, or between one element present and the others absent. 单选题 1分
2、According to Standard Theory of Chomsky,( ) contain all the information necessary for the semantic interpretation of sentences. 单选题 1分
3、In English, theme and rheme are often expressed by ( ) and ( ). 单选题 1分
4、syntax 简答题 1分
5、hierarchical structure 简答题 1分
6、phrase structure rule 简答题 1分
7、phrase marker 简答题 1分
8、surface structure 简答题 1分
9、deep structure 简答题 1分
10、onstituency 简答题 1分
11、dependency 简答题 1分
12、IC Analysis 简答题 1分
13、structural ambiguity 简答题 1分
14、immediate constituent 简答题 1分
15、syntagmatic relation 简答题 1分
16、paradigmatic relation 简答题 1分
17、Transformational-Generative Grammar 简答题 1分
18、theme 简答题 1分
19、rheme 简答题 1分
20、A ( ) is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 填空题 1分
21、Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called ( ) rules, whose operation may change the syntactic representation of a sentence. 填空题 1分
22、Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences and with infinite length , due to their ( ) properties. 填空题 1分
23、The level of syntactic representation that exists before movement takes place is commonly termed ( ) structure. 填空题 1分
24、IC Analysis emphasizes the ( ) structure of a sentence, seeing it as consisting of word groups first. 填空题 1分
25、( ) studies the sentence structure of language. 填空题 1分
26、The system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker is known as linguistic ( ). 填空题 1分
27、Some transformational rules are obligatory and many are optional. The ( ) T-rules have to be applied if we want to obtain well-formed sentences. 填空题 1分
28、Technically speaking, a formalized T-rule consists of two parts: the structural ( ) and the structural ( ). 填空题 1分
29、The ( ) relations of a sentence concern the way each noun phrase in the sentence relates to the verb. 填空题 1分
30、( ) structure rules allow us to better understand how words and phrases form sentences,and so on. 填空题 1分
31、Transformational rules are used to ( ) from the level of D-structure to that of S-structure. 填空题 1分
32、According to the theory of predication analysis, a proposition consists of two parts: ( ) and ( ). 填空题 1分
33、"John participated in spreading rumors" entails “John engaged in spreading rumors”. 判断题 1分
34、The reason for giving theoretical recognition to the notion of constituent structure is that it helps to account for the ambiguity of certain constructions. 判断题 1分
35、D-structure is the same as S-structure. 判断题 1分
36、Grammatical sentences are formed following a set of syntactic rules. 判断题 1分
37、Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. 判断题 1分
38、A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence. 判断题 1分
39、One of the clauses in a coordinate sentence is subordinate to the other. 判断题 1分
40、Language is only linearly structured. 判断题 1分
41、Constituents that can be substituted for one another with loss of grammaticality belong to the same syntactic category. 判断题 1分
42、Major lexical categories are open categories. 判断题 1分
43、Answer the Following questions. 1)Use appropriate phrase structure rules to draw a phrase marker for the following sentence: A clever magician fooled the audience. 简答题 1分
44、Draw the deep structure phrase markers of the following two sentences. 1)Jane is swimming. 简答题 1分
45、Draw the deep structure phrase markers of the following two sentences. 2)Betty could have brought the present. 简答题 1分