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1、Of the design features of human language,( ) is one of the defining properties of human language, which refers to the fact that human language can be used to talk about things that are present or not present, real or not real,and about matters in the past, present or future, or in far-away places. 单选题 1分

2、A ( ) study of a language is concerned with the historical development of the language over a long period of time. 单选题 1分

3、Acoustic phonetics deals with ( ). 单选题 1分

4、The sound [u: ] can be described as a(n) ( ). 单选题 1分

5、Technically speaking, ( ) are the realizations of a particular phoneme. 单选题 1分

6、If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another causes a change of meaning. they are said to be in ( ). 单选题 1分

7、In IC analysis, the forms at the bottom of a tree-branch diagram are called ( ). 单选题 1分

8、The inner layering of a sentence constitutes its ( ) structure. 单选题 1分

9、By ( ), we mean the object or state of affairs in extra-linguistic reality or a linguistic element to which the speaker or writer is referring by using a linguistic sign. 单选题 1分

10、The ( ) is the doer of an action and the patient is the target ( animate or inanimate ) on which the action has influence. 单选题 1分

11、Two types of symbols may be identified: ( ) symbols and auditory symbols. 填空题 1分

12、According to Chomsky, ( ) is "the speaker-hearer's knowledge of his language". 填空题 1分

13、A native speaker has several different types of knowledge about his mother tongue. ( ) knowledge is a native speaker's intuition about how a word is formed. 填空题 1分

14、The space between the vocal cords is called ( ). 填空题 1分

15、When the vocal cords are spread apart, the air-stream is not blocked at the glottis and it passes freely into the vocal tract without vocal-cord vibration. The sounds produced in this way are called ( ). 填空题 1分

16、Distinctive features are used to describe phonemes, while ( ) features are used to describe their allophones. 填空题 1分

17、Tone languages are languages that use pitch to contrast meaning at word level, whereas ( ) languages are languages that use pitch to distinguish different meanings at phrase level or sentence level. 填空题 1分

18、When a new word is formed by putting an affix to the base, the process involved is called ( ). 填空题 1分

19、The ( ) relation refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases within a sentence. 填空题 1分

20、The meaning of ( ) pairs of antonyms is characterized by relativity. 填空题 1分

21、In theory, the length of sentences is limited. 判断题 2分

22、General linguistics aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of a particular language. 判断题 2分

23、Language is arbitrary which means that any individual speaker has the freedom to determine the pronunciation of a word. 判断题 2分

24、Bilabials are different from alveolars in terms of manner of articulation. 判断题 2分

25、English is a tone language. 判断题 2分

26、The sound [e] may be marked with [-high], [+low], [+ front], [-back], [-rounded] and [-tense ]. 判断题 2分

27、Some synonyms have the same denotative meaning but show differences in connotative meaning. 判断题 2分

28、The sounds that sometimes are in free variation are allophones of the same phoneme. 判断题 2分

29、A morpheme is a minimal distinctive unit in the grammatical system of a language. 判断题 2分

30、A deep structure gives the form of a sentence. 判断题 2分

31、imaginative function 填空题 1分

32、non-verbal communication 填空题 1分

33、International Phonetic Alphabet 填空题 1分

34、tone languages 填空题 1分

35、inflectional affixes 填空题 1分

36、lexical ambiguity 填空题 1分

37、homophones 填空题 1分

38、entailment 填空题 1分

39、The Prague School 填空题 1分

40、behaviorism 填空题 1分

41、What are the differences between general linguistics and descriptive linguistics? And what's the relationship between them? 简答题 6分

42、What are the differences between English phonetics and English phonology? 简答题 6分

43、How many theories of meaning do you know? List at least four of them and explain them briefly. 简答题 8分

44、Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the following phonetic description: 1)a voiced alveo-palatal affricate 2)a voiceless alveo-palatal affricate 3)a voiced alveo-palatal fricative 4)a high back tense rounded vowel 简答题 4分

45、Divide the following words into separate morphemes by placing a “+” between each morpheme and the next: 1) deals= 2)unmanly= 3)automobile= 4)microphone= 5)weakened= 6) tourists= 7) dislike= 8) irregular= 简答题 8分

46、Match the names of linguistics figures in column A with the schools or theories or works of linguistics in column B:  简答题 8分

47、Draw the deep structure phrase markers for the following two sentences: 1)They had solved the problem. 简答题 5分

48、Draw the deep structure phrase markers for the following two sentences: 2)He might be waiting for us. 简答题 5分






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