1、( )meaning is communicated when the feelings or attitudes of language users are expressed 单选题 1分
2、( )is a ship in which a group of British Puritans sailed to America in 1620. 单选题 1分
3、( )is the leader of the British government. 单选题 1分
4、A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called ( ) 单选题 1分
5、A meddlesome person who pries into others' affairs is a( ) 单选题 1分
6、In the United States, the ( ) Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day. 单选题 1分
7、Pudding is a sweet dish typically composed of( ), boiled or steamed. 多选题 1分
8、The words pejorative in meaning in Chinese but positive in English are( ) 多选题 1分
9、Many English words refer to the historical aspects of English culture, such as( ) 多选题 1分
10、English has kinship terms and distinguishes some characteristics in relatives:( ) 多选题 1分
11、The supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom is( ) 填空题 2分
12、( )is the elected head of the government in the U.S.A. 填空题 2分
13、Conceptual meaning is the( ) a word conveys. 填空题 2分
14、( )is the translation equivalent of "social sciences〞 填空题 2分
15、The English equivalent of “红茶”is( ) 填空题 2分
16、( )meaning or stylistic meaning is what a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. 填空题 2分
17、铁石心肠 简答题 3分
18、隐形眼镜 简答题 3分
19、温室 简答题 3分
20、单调的日常工作 简答题 3分
21、炊事用具 简答题 3分
22、西风 简答题 3分
23、爱管闲事的人 简答题 3分
24、矮脚抽屉柜 简答题 3分