1、以于关于CPU的叙述中,正确的是()。 单选题 1分
2、采用()技术,使得计算机在执行程序指令时,多条指令执行过程中的不同阶段可以同时进行处理。 单选题 1分
3、总线的带宽是指()。 单选题 1分
4、在计算机系统中,以下关于高速缓存(Cache) 的说法正确的是()。 单选题 1分
5、计算机中采用虚拟存储器的目的是()。 单选题 1分
6、已知某字符的ASCII码值用十进制表示为69,如果将最高位设置为偶校验位则其二进制表示为:()。 单选题 1分
7、用高级语言编写的源程序被保存为()。 单选题 1分
8、将来源不同的编译单元装配成一个可执行程序的程序称为 ()。 单选题 1分
9、通用编程语言是指能够用于编写多种用途程序的编程语言,()属于适用编程语言。 单选题 1分
10、数据结构中的逻辑结构是指数据对象中元素之间的相互关系。按逻辑结构可将数据结构分为()。 单选题 1分
11、()是按照"后进先出"原则进行插入和删除操作的数据结构。 单选题 1分
12、数据模型的三要素包括()。 单选题 1分
13、在数据库系统实施过程中,通过重建视图能够实现()。 单选题 1分
14、数据库通常是指有组织、可共享、动态地存储在()的数据的集合。 单选题 1分
15、在Windows系统中,采用()程序可以合并卷上的可用空间,使每个文件和文件夹占用卷上连续的磁盘空间,这样可以使系统提高对文件和文件夹的访问效率。 单选题 1分
16、在Windows系统中,采用碎片整理程序可以合并卷上的可用空间,使每个文件和文件夹占用卷上连续的磁盘空间,这样可以使系统()。 单选题 1分
17、某文件管理系统在磁盘上建立了位示图(bitmap),记录磁盘的使用情况。若计算机系统的字长为32位(注:每位可以表示一个物理块“使用”还是“未用”的情况),磁盘的容量为200GB,物理块的大小为1MB,那么位示图的大小需要()个字。 单选题 1分
18、以下文件格式中属于音频文件的是()。 单选题 1分
19、()是用于纯音频信息处理的工具软件。 单选题 1分
20、PING发出的是(24)类型的消息,其报文封装在IP协议数据单元中传送。 单选题 1分
21、PING发出的是ICMP请求与响应类型的消息,其报文封装在(25)协议数据单元中传送。 单选题 1分
22、在异步通信中,每个字符包含1位起始位、7位数据位和2位终止位,若每秒钟传送500个字符,则有效数据速率为()。 单选题 1分
23、以下IP地址中,属于网络10.110.12.29/的主机IP的()。 单选题 1分
24、如果防火墙关闭了TCP和UDP端口21、25 和80,则可以访问该网络的应用是()。 单选题 1分
25、()不属于数字签名的主要功能。 单选题 1分
26、防火墙不能实现()的功能。 单选题 1分
27、DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service)攻击的目的是()。 单选题 1分
28、软件著作权中翻译权是指()的权利。 单选题 1分
29、章铭购买了一张有注册商标的正版软件光盘,擅自将其复制出售,则该行为侵犯了该软件开发商的()。 单选题 1分
30、当软件交付运行后,()阶段引入的错误所需的修复代价最高。 单选题 1分
31、某教务系统由模块A提供成绩给模块B,模块B计算平均成绩、最高分和最低分,然后将计算结果返回给模块A,模块C对课程信息进行增删改查,则模块B在软件结构图中属于()模块,模块C的内聚类型为信息内聚。 单选题 1分
32、某教务系统由模块A提供成绩给模块B,模块B计算平均成绩、最高分和最低分,然后将计算结果返回给模块A,模块C对课程信息进行增删改查,则模块B在软件结构图中属于变换模块,模块C的内聚类型为()。 单选题 1分
33、以下关于进度管理工具甘特图的叙述中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
34、某电商企业使用信息系统来进行产品和订单的管理,那么该系统应该是()。 单选题 1分
35、以下不属于信息系统软件结构组成部分的是()。 单选题 1分
36、以下关于信息系统开发方法的说法中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
37、以下不属于系统设计阶段任务的是()。 单选题 1分
38、以下关于信息系统项目的说法中,不正确的是()。 单选题 1分
39、以下①~⑥中属于项目管理知识领域的是()。①项目范围管理②项目时间管理③项目成本管理④项目质量管理⑤项目风险管理⑥项目采购管理 单选题 1分
40、以下不属于项目成本管理的是()。 单选题 1分
41、以下不属于数据字典的作用的是()。 单选题 1分
42、系统分析过程的先后顺序应该为()。①现行系统的详细调查②提出新系统的逻辑模型③需求分析④编写系统规格说明书 单选题 1分
43、以下不属于实体联系图基本成分的是()。 单选题 1分
44、系统设计的目标包括()。①系统的可靠性②较高的运行效率③系统的可变更性④系统的经济性 单选题 1分
45、以下不属于系统详细设计的是()。 单选题 1分
46、模块间聚合方式不包括()。 单选题 1分
47、以下不属于系统实施阶段任务的是()。 单选题 1分
48、以下不属于黑盒测试方法的是()。 单选题 1分
49、某公司要用一套新的订单管理系统替换旧的系统,为实现平稳转换,公司决定先上线新系统的订单统计报表摸块,再逐步上线其它模块。这种系统转换方式属于()。 单选题 1分
50、IT系统管理工作主要是优化IT部门的各类管理流程,其分类可以按系统类型和流程类型来分,如果按照流程类型来分,下面()不属于流程分类划分的依据。 单选题 1分
51、IT部门人员的管理中,涉及第三方的管理,在选择外包商时,通常要审查其资格。下面选项中,不属于资格范围的是()。 单选题 1分
52、系统用户管理是IT领域的重要问题。一个企业的信息系统的用户管理一定程度上影响企业的信息系统的实际使用效果。企业用户管理的功能涉及很多因素,下列选项中,不在企业用户管理功能考虑之列的是( )。 单选题 1分
53、分布式环境下的系统管理是一个复杂的问题,采用分布式的系统管理可以解决很多问题,其优越特性表现在多个方面,下面()不在这些优越特性之列。 单选题 1分
54、IT资源管理就是洞察所有的IT资产,并进行有效管理。IT资产管理的目的之一是为所有内外部资源提供广泛的发现和性能分析功能,实现资源的()。 单选题 1分
55、COBIT{Control Objectives for Information and related Technology)是目前国际上通用信息系统审计的标准,由信息系统审计与控制协会1996年公布。是一个在国际上公认的、权威的安全与信息技术管理和控制的标准。该标准对IT资源进行了相关定义,下面()不属于标准中定义的IT资源。 单选题 1分
56、COBIT中对IT资源的定义包括数据、应用系统、技术、设备和人员等五大类。 单选题 1分
57、主机故障时通常需要启用系统备份进行恢复。根据所提供的备份类型不同,主机服务上有三种重启模式。下列选项中,()不属于这三种重启模式。 单选题 1分
58、问题管理和控制的目标主要体现在三点。下列选项中, ()不在问题管理和控制目标的三点内容之列。 单选题 1分
59、信息系统的安全保障能力取决于信息系统所采取的安全管理措施的强度和有效性,备份策略是这些措施中的一项。下列不属于备份策略的是()。 单选题 1分
60、管理安全是使用管理的手段对系统进行安全保护。运行管理是过程管理,是实现全网安全和动态安全的关键。下列选项中,()不属于运行管理的内容。 单选题 1分
61、计算机系统性能评价技术是按照一定步骤,选用一定的度量项目,通过建模和实验,对计算机的性能进行测试并对测试结果作出解释的技术。反映计算机系统负载和工作能力的常用指标主要有三类。下列说法中,()不在这三类指标之列。 单选题 1分
62、系统性能的评价方法中,排队模型包括三个部分,下列选项()不在这三部分之列。 单选题 1分
63、在系统性能评价中对系统能力的管理涉及到设计和构建能力数据库。规划和构建能力数据库时应当考虑多方面问题,下列说法中,()不在应当考虑的范围之列。 单选题 1分
64、信息系统成本的构成中不包括()。 单选题 1分
65、信息系统经济效益评价方法中,不包括下列选项中的()。 单选题 1分
66、信息系统评价的主要方法有四类,它们是:专家评估法、技术经济评估法、模型评估法及系统分析法。灵敏度分析法属于()。 单选题 1分
67、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分
68、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分
69、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分
70、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分
71、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分
72、The purpose of a programming system is to make a computer easy to use. To do this, it furnishes languages and various facilities that are in fact programs invoked and controlled by language features. But these facilities arebought at a price: the external description of a programming system is ten to twenty times as large as the external description of thecomputer system itself. The user finds it far easier to specify any particular function, but there are far more to choose from, and far more options and formats to remember.Ease of use is enhanced only if the time gained in functional specification exceeds the time lost in learning, remembering, and searching manuals. With modern programming systems this gain does exceed the cost, but in recent years the ratio of fain to cost seems to have fallen as more and more complex(71) have been added.Because ease of use is the purpose, this radio of function to conceptual complexity is the ultimate test of system design. Neitherfunction alone nor simplicity alone( 72) a good design.This point is widely misunderstood. Function, and not simplicity, has always been themeasure of excellence for its designers. As soon as ease of use is held up as the criterion, each of these is seen to be(73 ) , reaching for only half of the true goal.For a given level of function, however, thatsystem is best in which one can specify things with the most simplicity andstraightforwardness. (74 ) is not enough.Mooer's TRAC language and Algol 68 achieve simplicity as measured by the number of distinct elementary concepts.They are not, however, straightforward. The expression of the things one wants to do often requires involuted (复杂的)and unexpected combinations of the basic facilities. It is not enough to learn the elements and rules of combination; one must also learn the idiomatic usage, a whole lore of how theelements are combined in practice. Simplicity and straightforwardness proceed fromconceptual(75 ) . Every part must reflect the same philosophies and the same balancing of desiderata. Every part must use the same techniques in syntax and the analogous notions in semantics. Ease of use, then,dictates unity of design, conceptual integrity. 单选题 1分