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1、One of the important missions of historical linguistics is to reconstruct the protolanguage.Please explain what the protolanguage is and how historical linguists reconstruct it. 简答题 5分

2、The following are the major topics of historical linguistics EXCEPT ( ). 单选题 5分

3、Syntactically,the verb of a sentence in old English precedes,rather than follows,the subject. 判断题 5分

4、( )separated the period of Middle English from that of Modern English. 单选题 5分

5、While Middle English resembles Old English to a great degree,it looks very different from Modern English. 判断题 5分

6、The Old English word“nicht”,pronounced as/nitk/,and its present form“ night”,pronounced as/nait/with the voiceless velar fricative/x/absent,show an example of sound (l ). 填空题 5分

7、the Great Vowel Shift 简答题 5分

8、Describe with examples the lexical loss which occurred in Old English and Middle English.Do you think the loss of words inevitable?What do you think of the process of lexical loss? 简答题 5分

9、blending 简答题 5分

10、back-formation 简答题 5分

11、Please illustrate with example(s)the difference between compounding and derivation. 简答题 5分

12、clipping 简答题 5分

13、All the following words except ( ) are the examples which can be used to illustrate semantic broadening. 单选题 5分

14、In general,linguistic change in the sound system and the (v ) of a language is more noticeable than that in other systems of the grammar. 填空题 5分

15、The language faculty of an average human degenerates after the critical period and consequently,most linguistic skills cannot develop. 判断题 5分

16、In an (a ) process,successive sounds are made identical,or more similar,to one another in terms of place or manner of articulation,or of haplology. 填空题 5分

17、The Old English word "Enga-land" came to be pronounced "England" through the assimilation of "la-la" sounds. 判断题 5分

18、Internal borrowing 简答题 5分

19、Please explain the sociological triggers for language change with examples. 简答题 5分

20、The major topics of historical linguistics do NOT include (). 单选题 5分






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