1、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.补偿贸易 简答题 1分
2、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.贸易信贷往来账户 简答题 1分
3、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.中央计划经济国家 简答题 1分
4、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.竞争性贬值 简答题 1分
5、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.加工贸易 简答题 1分
6、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.租赁贸易 简答题 1分
7、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.货币市场 简答题 1分
8、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.贴现市场 简答题 1分
9、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.资本市场 简答题 1分
10、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.外汇市场 简答题 1分
11、Answer the following questions in English.What is counter trade? Why has it attracted so much attention? 简答题 5分
12、Answer the following questions in English.How did counter trade originate? And what was the nature of early counter trade? 简答题 5分
13、Answer the following questions in English.What are the main features of the current counter trade? Can you summarize the categories briefly under current counter trade? 简答题 5分
14、Answer the following questions in English.What are the major differences between counter purchase and buyback? 简答题 5分
15、Answer the following questions in English.What is meant by bundling? What is the opposite way of doing business? 简答题 5分