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1、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.customs  area 简答题 1分

2、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.parent  company  简答题 1分

3、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.cost  economies  简答题 1分

4、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.trade  credit  account  简答题 1分

5、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.commit  to 简答题 1分

6、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.packing  list 简答题 1分

7、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.quotas 简答题 1分

8、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.EDI 简答题 1分

9、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.Breach 简答题 1分

10、Translate the following words and expressions from English into Chinese.qualifications 简答题 1分

11、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.索赔 简答题 1分

12、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.贴现率 简答题 1分

13、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.实盘 简答题 1分

14、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.提货 简答题 1分

15、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.规定 简答题 1分

16、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.竞争性贬值 简答题 1分

17、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.股权投资 简答题 1分

18、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.经济环境 简答题 1分

19、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.普通股 简答题 1分

20、Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English.合资企业 简答题 1分

21、Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right. 1.proximity 2.landmark 3.BOT 4.instrumental 5.constitue 6.tariff 7.premise 8.quotation 9.intriguing 10.facilitate a.serving as a means or an agency; implemental b. house or other building with its out buildings, lands, etc. C. estimate of how much something will cost d interesting, fascinating e. the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next; closeness f. make easy or easier; help g. an event marking an important stage of development or a turning point in history h. to make up or form(a whole); be the components of i. build, operate and transfer j. duties imposed on goods imported and exported 简答题 10分

22、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.quota 简答题 1分

23、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.balance of payments 简答题 1分

24、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.middleman 简答题 1分

25、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.services 简答题 1分

26、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.multildomestic corporation 简答题 1分

27、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.terms of trade 简答题 1分

28、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.force majeure 简答题 1分

29、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.bundling 简答题 1分

30、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.trademark 简答题 1分

31、Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English.national treatment 简答题 1分

32、Answer the following questions in English.What are the characteristics of economic union? 简答题 5分

33、Answer the following questions in English.What are the basic principles of insurance that firms must follow when they seek cover for goods? 简答题 5分

34、Answer the following questions in English.What is a firm offer? What contents should be included in a firm offer? 简答题 5分

35、Answer the following questions in English.What are the functions of insurance? 简答题 5分

36、Answer the following questions in English.What are the major objectives of regional integration? 简答题 5分

37、Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word:(Some words are given the first letter or letters.In many countries, especially 1) parts of the Third World, there is resistance to foreign- direct investment. Most of this r 2) is a direct consequence of criticism of multinational cor? porations. In the 3) nations, such as France and the United States, opposition is also grow? ing. Even in some quarters in the United States, foreign i 4) is seen as a threat. The critics forget, ho wever, that their countrymen invest several times as much overseas 5) do foreigners in the United States. Some strategic industries (such as food, computers, nuclear reactors, i6) energy will find it increasingly difficult to expand abroad. Foreign investment will be dependent 7) the power struggle b 8) governments and multinational corporations. But direct investment is likely to continue 9) adventurous course in many areas. The economic integration of the U mited States, Europe, and Japan will stimulate its d10). 简答题 10分

38、Translate the following into English.A country’s balance of payment is very important indicator for business management of what may happen to the country’s economy,including what the government may cause to happen. 简答题 5分

39、Translate the following into English. Visible trade involves import and export of goods which is as important as invisible trade to some countries. 简答题 5分

40、Translate the following into English. A written contract is generally signed by the seller and the buyer as the proof of the agreement and as the basis for its execution. 简答题 5分

41、Translate the following into English. The insurance policy and the insurance certificate are similar in function, the only difference being that the latter is a bit simpler than the former. 简答题 5分

42、Translate the following into English. Foreign direct investment can aggravate some of the problems caused by domestic price distortions, including those associated with inappropriately high protective tariffs or quotas. 简答题 5分

43、Translate the following into English. Like it or not, economic globalization has become an objective trend in world economic development. 简答题 5分

44、Translate the following into English. The main objectives of WTO are to promote free trade, further reduce trade barriers, and establish more effective trade dispute settlement procedures. 简答题 5分

45、Translate the following into English. Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract shortterm international fund, increasing the exchange rate of one’s own currency. 简答题 5分

46、Translate the following into English. The WTO dispute settlement system is the most active one today at the international level and has tremendous importance for the progressive development of international law. 简答题 5分

47、Translate the following into English. With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries. 简答题 5分

48、Translate the following into English.比较优势理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。 简答题 5分

49、Translate the following into English.第一次世界大战以前,金本位制建立了固定汇率制,每个国家通过将本国货币与黄金挂钩来确定其货币的平价。 简答题 5分

50、Translate the following into English.国际贸易最初以商品贸易的形式出现,即在一国生产或制造商品而出口或进口到另一国进行消费或转售。 简答题 5分

51、Translate the following into English.实质上,反向贸易指的是各种货物和服务的直接交换。 简答题 5分

52、Translate the following into English.没有保险,商业活动也不会停止,但损失将由不走运的人承担而不是由所有生意人分担。 简答题 5分






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