1、The ultimate goal of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom is to enable the students to ______ its literature. 单选题 1分
2、The Grammar-Translation Method came into being in the ______ century. 单选题 1分
3、Traditional linguists believe that the written form of language is ______ to the spoken form. 单选题 1分
4、The most logical and well-organized grammar is ______ grammar. 单选题 1分
5、A Grammar-Translation teacher usually uses reading passages taken from ______ or carefully written by a compiler, including particular grammar rules and vocabulary. 单选题 1分
6、One of the disadvantages in the Grammar-Translation Method is that the texts are taken from _____, the language of which doesn't often meet the practical needs of the learners. 单选题 1分
7、In the view of Grammar-Translation Method, the first language is maintained as the ________ system in the acquisition of the target language. 填空题 1分
8、In Grammar-Translation Method, grammar is the main ________ in foreign language classrooms. 填空题 1分
9、( ) was a language of communication that people widely studied in the Western world before the 16th century. 填空题 1分
10、The Grammar-Translation Method proved to be an effective means in studying foreign ________ through literary works. 填空题 1分
11、Generally speaking, the Grammar-Translation Method belongs to the school of ________ linguistics. 填空题 1分
12、The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was ________ Psychology. 填空题 1分
13、Viewed from the nature and purpose of education, the Grammar-Translation Method was an ________ of classical humanism. 填空题 1分
14、A: techniques used in Grammar-Translation Method: ① reading ② analysis and comparison ③ translation ④ reading comprehension questions ⑤ written work B: the purpose a. to present new items or to understand the passage b. to apply the new items c. to check the understanding of the reading passage d. to introduce new words and grammar rules e. to apply the grammar rules to examples and to understand the reading passage ①______ ②______ ③______ ④______ ⑤______ 简答题 5分
15、Name some (at least three) of the features of the Grammar-Translation Method. 简答题 5分
16、What sort of linguistics is the Grammar-Translation Method based on? 简答题 5分
17、What form of language did the traditional linguists give priority to and what did they take as their starting point? 简答题 5分