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1、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. right to know 简答题 1分

2、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. summer resort 简答题 1分

3、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. a breach of contract 简答题 1分

4、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. G8 Summit 简答题 1分

5、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the Nile Delta 简答题 1分

6、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. regional autonomy 简答题 1分

7、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. waste disposal 简答题 1分

8、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. mortage loan 简答题 1分

9、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. literal translation 简答题 1分

10、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the scientific outlook on development 简答题 1分

11、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 手语 简答题 1分

12、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 海洋旅游业 简答题 1分

13、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 水产品 简答题 1分

14、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 上海合作组织 简答题 1分

15、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 中共十八大 简答题 1分

16、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 第三产业 简答题 1分

17、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 知识产权 简答题 1分

18、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 带薪假期 简答题 1分

19、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 志愿者 简答题 1分

20、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 总理 简答题 1分

21、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:Two metal surfaces rubbing together cause friction and heat; but if they are separated by a thin film of oil, the friction and heat are reduced. 译文:两个金属面相擦,就要产生摩擦和热;但如果在它们之间放上涂着油的胶片,就可以减少摩擦,降低热度。 改译: 简答题 2分

22、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: We faced the question in 1987, as to some extent we still do today...… 译文:我们在1978年乃至今天在某种程度上所做的事情仍然是… 改译: 简答题 2分

23、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: In second grade they showed us a terrifying film about flash-flooding. 译文:我上二年级的时候,他们给我们演过一场暴雨成灾的非常可怕的电影。 改译: 简答题 2分

24、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: At the hotel I always finished the meal with ice-cream and the girls there would laugh because I like it so much. 译文:在饭店里,我总是以冰激凌结束我的一顿饭。我吃得津津有味,惹得那些女服务员发笑。 改译: 简答题 2分

25、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:We have a sales force at present of twenty-four salesmen on the road, each with his own territory. 译文:目前我们有一支由24名推销员组成的推销队正在路途中,每人有他自己的推销领域。 改译: 简答题 2分

26、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:我们的目标是把中国建设成为一个社会主义现代化强国。 译文:Our goal is to build China into a socialist, modern powerful country. 改译: 简答题 2分

27、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:她有力气,简直抵得过一个男子。 译文: She has strength, and could fight with a man. 改译: 简答题 2分

28、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略。 译文: China is a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the states development strategy. 改译: 简答题 2分

29、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:他毕业后,他父亲想让他去日本深造。 译文: After graduating from college, his father wanted him to pursue his education in Japan. 改译: 简答题 2分

30、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。 译文: The girls in your class are more active than our class. 改译: 简答题 2分

31、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet.It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean's largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species. Attaching radio devices to it is difficult, and visual sightings are too unreliable to give real insight into its behavior. 简答题 2分

32、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. The fact that heat waves like the one in Russia become more frequent and extreme in a warmer world is easy to understand. Extreme rainfall events will also become more frequent and intense in a warmer climate, owing to another simple fact of physics: warm air can hold more moisture. 简答题 2分

33、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. Each country has to import the articles and commodities it does not itself produce, and it has to earn foreign exchange to pay for them. It does this by exporting its own manufactured articles and surplus raw materials. 简答题 2分

34、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. No Chinese president has ever known more about Australia than President Xi. When he completes his visit to Tasmania, he would visit every single one of our states and territories. This president of China, in fact, is more widely traveled in around our country than most of Australians. 简答题 2分

35、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet.An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of the arcane rituals of British pubs-staring with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waiter--- you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. 简答题 2分

36、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 惊恐会生出所惧怕之事物:对战争的惊恐会导致一个国家采取发动战争的措施;滑雪者一旦开始怕摔跤就会摔倒;因SARS而产生的惊恐则会削弱我们的免疫系统,从而使我们更容易感染上这种可怕的疾病。 简答题 2分

37、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 红色是太阳的颜色,红色是生活的颜色,红色代表着生命和新的开始。红色是喜悦的心情,红色是活力的象征,红色是中国对世界的祝福和盛情。 简答题 2分

38、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet.在过去20年的改革开放的过程中,中国已经成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。在北京举办奥运会不仅有利于中国人民,也有利于传播奥林匹克精神,为世界的和平、友谊、稳定和发展做出贡献。 简答题 2分

39、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 上海世博会是一次难忘的盛会,世博会让渴望了解世界的中国人民和渴望了解中国的各国朋友走在一起,相互间结下了深厚的友谊。世博会上来自青海玉树灾区的两位藏族儿童和不同民族、不同肤色的孩子们牵手相拥,表现出人类在苦难面前同舟共济的兄弟情谊。 简答题 2分

40、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet.应对气候变化,实现可持续发展,是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫而又长期的任务,事关人类生存环境和各国发展前途,需要各国进行不懈努力。 简答题 2分

41、Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 41. As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I cannot keep awake. I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One's thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done. 简答题 20分

42、Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一个女乘客“您下车吗?”女乘客没理他。“你下车吗?”他又问了一遍。女乘客还是没理他。“下车吗?”他耐不住了,放大声问。那女乘客依然没反应。“你是聋子,还是哑巴?”他急了,捅了一下那女乘客,也引得车厢里的人都往这里看。女乘客这时也急了,瞪起一双眼睛回手给了男乘客一拳。 简答题 20分



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