1、“Culture”is a loan word from ( ) 单选题 1分
2、Associate”can be used together with ( ) 单选题 1分
3、A game played on horseback by two teams of players on a ground is called 单选题 1分
4、English speakers are direct people who tend to( ) 单选题 1分
5、All languages have( ) terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives. 单选题 1分
6、In English speaking countries you usually introduce( ), not the other way round. 单选题 1分
7、( )can function as an appropriate reply to a compliment. 单选题 1分
8、The idiomatic expression“between Scylla and Charybdis” can be translated into“( )”. 单选题 1分
9、The proverb“Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune”. is related to( ) 单选题 1分
10、“To kick the bucket”means“to( )”. 单选题 1分
11、“Green”connotes( ) in English culture. 单选题 1分
12、“A pedant or erudite female intellectual”can be referred to as( ) 单选题 1分
13、“敬请指正”can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of“( )” in English 单选题 1分
14、The helicopter raid to rescue American captives in Iran in 1980 failed and it was called a(n)“( )”rather than a“failure”. 单选题 1分
15、“Damn”,“God damn you”,“Hell”,etc.are ( ) words in English. 单选题 1分
16、English speakers expect to be immediately informed of( ) the letter they have received is written. 单选题 1分
17、He saw a car accident when he was driving home. The sentence is connected ( ) 单选题 1分
18、The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is the pronunciation of ( ) in words. 单选题 1分
19、The brand name“( )”is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative in English culture. 单选题 1分
20、Gestures that are used to help explain the spoken words are ( ) 单选题 1分
21、The word“woman”can be defined conceptually as( ) 多选题 1分
22、( )are onomatopoeic words. 多选题 1分
23、( ) is an allusion from a historical event. 多选题 1分
24、The expressions“( )” in Chinese may correspond to the English idiom“not to bat an eyelid” 多选题 1分
25、“A blue fit” is close in meaning to( ) 多选题 1分
26、“( )” is a euphemism for“death”or“die”. 多选题 1分
27、If the sentences in a text are connected by( ) means, we say that they exhibit cohesion. 多选题 1分
28、The English brand names ( ) are coinages. 多选题 1分
29、The important political parties in Great Britain are“( )” 多选题 1分
30、( )illustrates an additive relation between the two sentences. 多选题 1分
31、( ) thinking interacts with English ,while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese. 填空题 2分
32、( ) is an outdoor game, originating in Scotland and now very popular in English speaking countries, especially the United States. In this game a small, white resilient ball is hit with a set of long-shafted club into a series of 9 or 18 holes up to about 500 metres apart from one another and distributed over a course of natural or artificial hazards. 填空题 2分
33、English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the( ) relations between linguistic elements. 填空题 2分
34、The kinship terms“grandfather”,“grandmother” ,“grandson”,“granddaughter”and others show that the distinction between( ) and maternal relatives is often ignored in English. 填空题 2分
35、The English expression“( )” is equivalent to“秃子头上的虱子——明摆着”in Chinese. 填空题 2分
36、( ) refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinary news in a sensational manner. 填空题 2分
37、In American English the equivalent word of“通风”is( ). 填空题 2分
38、Running a business( ) means running it at a loss. 填空题 2分
39、A: Are you American? B: Yes, I am. The sentences in the above dialogue are connected by both grammatical and lexical means, so we say that they exhibit ( ). 填空题 2分
40、The English equivalent for“跑表”is( ). 填空题 2分
41、How would you explain the statement that language is systematic? 简答题 3分
42、What is the connotative meaning of the expression“a white elephant”? 简答题 3分
43、What is the British equivalent for the American word“raincoat”? 简答题 3分
44、What is common core English? 简答题 3分
45、What's the majority's view? 简答题 3分
46、Never cast your dreams before swine. 简答题 3分
47、A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 简答题 3分
48、易如反掌 简答题 3分
49、树倒猢狲散 简答题 3分
50、这是城中出现的第三例天花 简答题 3分
51、How would you explain the fact that“greenhouse”and its equivalent in Chinese“温室”are formed differently? 简答题 10分
52、What are the English expressions that have been coined to avoid sexism? 简答题 10分