1、Language is ( ) in that it is rule-governed. 单选题 1分
2、We say that culture is a ( ) phenomenon when we emphasize the contrast between society and nature. 单选题 1分
3、( ) is a drink of spirits mixed with others or with various flavourings. 单选题 1分
4、The word in English for “a young dog” is ( ). 单选题 1分
5、In English ( ) questions are formed by placing the auxiliary or modal verb before the subject and giving the rising intonation at the end of the sentence. 单选题 1分
6、The onomatopoeic words in English and Chinese are used according to ( ) grammatical rules. 单选题 1分
7、Which of the following personal names are quite common among the Chinese people?( ) 单选题 1分
8、Which of the following statements is NOT often used for invitation?( ) 单选题 1分
9、The English saying “Oxford for learning, London for wit, Hull for women and York for horses” is a proverb related to ( ) . 单选题 1分
10、“Marathon” is an allusion from ( ). 单选题 1分
11、The following statements are met即horical expressions following does NOT indicate that ideas are people?( ) 单选题 1分
12、Of the following expressions involving the colour blue, “( )” has some pleasant associations. 单选题 1分
13、People use pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths. These words or expressions are termed as ( ). 单选题 1分
14、Which of the following is NOT a proper birthday gift to an American friend?( ) 单选题 1分
15、Text, which refers to any piece of spoken or written language, can be as short as one word like “( )”. 单选题 1分
16、Causal relations can be found in “( )” 单选题 1分
17、A distinctive feature of English brand names is that many of them sound exotic,being words borrowed from other cultures, such as ( ). 单选题 1分
18、A laige number of technical terms can be found in ( ). 单选题 1分
19、“Wagging one's forefinger” is used to ( ). 单选题 1分
20、Doctors' touching their patients falls into the category of ( ). 单选题 1分
21、In its broad sense culture may include ( ) as its components. 多选题 1分
22、Words such as “( )” are borrowed from French. 多选题 1分
23、Modem European languages have fewer grammatical morphemes than such classical languages as ( ). 多选题 1分
24、There are some fixed expressions that are used almost exclusively to greet others in English. What are they?( ) 多选题 1分
25、“( )” are idioms in relation to mannerism. 多选题 1分
26、Of the following metaphorical expressions, which are about love?( ) 多选题 1分
27、Which of the following statements are the proper English translation of “请提宝贵意见”?( ) 多选题 1分
28、Which of the following words or expressions can be used as textual connectives?( ) 多选题 1分
29、The pronunciation difference between American and British English can be found in the words “( )”. 多选题 1分
30、Westerners are often seen to draw a cross by touching the forehead, breast and shoulders to invoke the blessing of Christ, when they are ( ) 多选题 1分
31、When we discuss the definition of culture,( )institutions may include socio-economic,politico-legal,marital,familial institutions, etc. 填空题 2分
32、A ( ) is a member of any Christian body which separated from the Roman Catholic Church at the Reformation. 填空题 2分
33、( ) relations are found in constructions whose components are linked in meaning rather than through the use of conjunctions. 填空题 2分
34、In English speaking countries one can praise members of one S own family,while people may consider it bad taste in China. The above example shows that there exist cultural differences in ( ) . 填空题 2分
35、In most languages people enrich their speech or writing with indirect references to characters or events from culture. Such indirect references are called ( ). 填空题 2分
36、In both English and Chinese black is often associated with ( ) qualities, as in“blacklist”,“black market” and “black-hearted”. 填空题 2分
37、When a teacher says that a student takes over others' things without permission, what he actually means is that the child may ( ) others' things. 填空题 2分
38、If the sentences in a text are connected by grammatical and/or lexical means,we say that they exhibit ( ) . 填空题 2分
39、In English medicines cannot be advertised, while in China medicine advertisements appear in large quantity in mass media. This fact shows there are ( ) contrasts underlying the linguistic contrast between English and Chinese advertising. 填空题 2分
40、Nonverbal communication is a process of communication by means of nonverbal ( ). 填空题 2分
41、What is culture in its narrow sense called? 简答题 3分
42、What is the expression in British English for a shop that sells medicines, tiltries, and various other small articles? 简答题 3分
43、Why are brand names often coinages in English culture? 简答题 3分
44、What is body language? 简答题 3分
45、a nine to five job 简答题 3分
46、You are welcome. 简答题 3分
47、The child is father of the man. 简答题 3分
48、善意的谎言。 简答题 3分
49、男女老少都参加了战斗。 简答题 3分
50、拜年。 简答题 3分
51、How and why do English and Chinese speakers answer the negative questions differently? 简答题 10分
52、Define the tenor and the vehicle,and illustrate how the tenor and the vehicle relate to each other in similes and metaphors, by analyzing the following two sentences. (1)The girl looks like her mother. (2)The girl looks like an angel. 简答题 10分