1、The treatment ( ) is being tried by researchers at four hospitals has helped patients who have failed to respond to other ( ). 多选题 1分
2、He turns out to be such an extremely successful actor.() none of his former classmates is. 单选题 1分
3、antecedent 简答题 1分
4、What impressed the boys most was the laser- simulation confrontation,( ) soldiers jumped through flaming hoops to carry out their mission. 单选题 1分
5、Experts hope the methods will lead to a crackdown on wildlife crime in two main hotspots in Africa ( ) the vast majority of the killings ( ). 多选题 1分
6、On Wednesday, the only white tiger ( ) escaped from the Tbilisi Zoo mauled a man to death in the city center before ( ) dead by police. 多选题 1分
7、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: Global warming actually means more energy in the climate system,( ) causes extremes and more disorders. 填空题 1分
8、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers,( ) overall consumption is much higher than that of women. 填空题 1分
9、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: He was the man ( ) I supposed was capable of finishing such a task. 填空题 1分
10、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: The Greens will move into their new house next Sunday, by ( ) time it will have been completely furnished. 填空题 1分
11、Using a relative clause: The policeman picked up the child. The child’s arm was hurt. 简答题 1分
12、Using a relative clause: My special gratitude goes to Professor Smith. Without his help the thesis would have been impossible. 简答题 1分
13、During my childhood, I always lingered at the theater ( ) my mother worked. 单选题 1分
14、To improve people' s living environment, considerably cutting carbon emissions has become something ( ) the leadership must achieve as soon as possible. 单选题 1分
15、My special gratitude goes to Professor Weir, without ( ) help this project would ( ) impossible. 多选题 1分
16、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: Peter eventually found a place in the cellar ( ) he used as his first workshop. 填空题 1分
17、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: The project on ( ) they have been working for two years is a total failure. 填空题 1分
18、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: The teapot was fashioned like a duck, out of ( ) open mouth the tea was supposed to come. 填空题 1分
19、With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: The business of the company has reached a point ( ) a change is needed. 填空题 1分
20、Using a relative clause: He is a straight A student. His brother is not a straight a student. 简答题 1分
21、Using a relative clause: You sent my daughter a lovely gift. Thank you very much. 简答题 1分
22、At present she' s focused on next month() will see her set on her biggest UK tour to date. 单选题 1分
23、Gradually the road climbs among high mountains and through a dark forest()huge trees shut out the light with their thick towering leaves. 单选题 1分
24、Since a staple of immigrant communities in big cities()long,restaurants()diners chop, grill, boil or dip their food are hot in the American heartland. 多选题 1分
25、We are interested in the weather because it() us so directly what we wear, what we do, and even()we feel. 多选题 1分
26、There wasn't any directory in the telephone box ( )( which)was phoning. 填空题 1分
27、One reason why women live longer than men after retirement is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing.(改错题) 简答题 1分
28、Nick is very handy about the house, that I will never be.(改错题) 简答题 1分
29、Combining the two sentences by using a relative clause: Global warming is one of the greatest challenges. Each and every country on this planet has to face the challenges. 简答题 1分
30、Combining the two sentences by using a relative clause: This is the article. They were quoting from the article. 简答题 1分
31、There is something ( ) I want you to do but ( ) you hate to do. 单选题 1分
32、What he did and ( ) he said ( ) totally different. 多选题 1分
33、According to a study on children' s behavior, the time ( ) the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people will affect their relationship with real-life people later in their lives. 单选题 1分
34、The donor hoped that the little ( ) he had done would help the people in the flooded area . 单选题 1分
35、This is the only book ( ) ( ) challenges this common belief. 多选题 1分
36、( ) I need for the spring cleaning ( ) a pair of rubber gloves, some detergent and several plastic bags to hold the garbage. 多选题 1分
37、The picking of the fruit ( )(which)work they receive no money,takes about a week. 填空题 1分
38、He denied seeing the murder suspect, that turned out to be true.(改错题) 简答题 1分
39、Using a relative clause: My boss is an incredibly boring person. His predecessor was not a boring person at all. 简答题 1分
40、Using a relative clause: This is the only one of the many houses here. This was destroyed by the earthquake. 简答题 1分