1、Word and Phrase Translation. 痛自反省 简答题 1分
2、Word and Phrase Translation. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 简答题 1分
3、Word and Phrase Translation. 体力渐衰 简答题 1分
4、Word and Phrase Translation. 鞭策自己 简答题 1分
5、Word and Phrase Translation. 悔之晚矣 简答题 1分
6、Word and Phrase Translation. 经书 简答题 1分
7、Word and Phrase Translation. 圈点 简答题 1分
8、Word and Phrase Translation. 时作时辍 简答题 1分
9、Word and Phrase Translation. 同文石印 简答题 1分
10、Word and Phrase Translation. 前四史 简答题 1分
11、Word and Phrase Translation. 鼓起勇气 简答题 1分
12、Word and Phrase Translation. 强迫运动 简答题 1分
13、Word and Phrase Translation. 嬉戏 简答题 1分
14、原文:发动机并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转。 译文: The engine stopped not because the fuel was used up. 改译: 简答题 5分
15、原文:钻石湖风景秀丽,是这个城市的几大景点之一 译文:The Diamond Lake, noting for its beautiful scenery, was regarded as one of the outstanding views of the city. 改译: 简答题 5分
16、原文:中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断 译文: As one of the cradles of human civilization, China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in its history of several thousands years 改译: 简答题 5分
17、原文:中国现有宜农荒地3500万公顷,其中可开垦为耕地的约有1470万公顷。 译文:China now has 3. 5 million hectares of wasteland which are suitable for farming. Of this, about 1. 47 million hectares can be reclaimed. 改译: 简答题 5分
18、原文:老年人有长处,但也有很大的弱点—老年人容易固执,因此老年人也要有点自觉性。 译文: Old people have strengths but also great weaknesses-they are easy to be stubborn, for example-and they should be aware of that 改译: 简答题 5分