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1、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. sluggish market 简答题 1分

2、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. the Federal Reserve 简答题 1分

3、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. self-sufficiency 简答题 1分

4、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. diplomatic relation 简答题 1分

5、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. ASEAN 简答题 1分

6、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. bilateral trade 简答题 1分

7、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. APEC 简答题 1分

8、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. academic exchange 简答题 1分

9、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. trade surplus 简答题 1分

10、Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. presidential campaign 简答题 1分

11、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 温室效应 简答题 1分

12、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 贸易壁垒 简答题 1分

13、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 微创手术 简答题 1分

14、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 国际货币基金组织 简答题 1分

15、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 生产力 简答题 1分

16、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 金融危机 简答题 1分

17、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 欧盟 简答题 1分

18、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 维生素 简答题 1分

19、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 改革开放政策 简答题 1分

20、Translate the following words and phrases into Eniglish. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 中国公民 简答题 1分

21、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: Well, Fred, I don't mind telling you my secret. I m part of a noble family. I have just found out this afternoon. 译文:“好吧,弗雷德,我可不在乎把这个秘密讲给你听,我是一个高尚的家庭的成员哩。这是我今天下午刚刚发现的。 改译: 简答题 2分

22、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: The importance of this conference can not be overestimated. 译文:这次会议的重要性不能被过分强调。 改译: 简答题 2分

23、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: These oils may be bought at any chemist's. 译文:这些(鱼肝)油在任何一位化学家的家里都可以买到。 改译: 简答题 2分

24、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: I made myself a calendar which showed two hundred and fifty days, the exact number I should have to endure in this house. 译文:我给自己画了一个日历,上面有250天,这就是我要在这户人家熬过的确切数目。 改译: 简答题 2分

25、Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:What makes the Industrial Revolution especially English? Obviously, it began in England. 译文:什么使工业革命特别是英国的呢?不言而喻,因为它始于英国。 改译: 简答题 2分

26、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交给他的工作。 译文: I have fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule,and he has also fulfilled his assigned work ahead of schedule. 改译: 简答题 2分

27、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:欢迎你来参加英语角活动! 译文: Welcome you to join our English corner activities! 改译: 简答题 2分

28、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文: 从图书馆借来的那本书已经找到。 译文: The book which was borrowed from the library had been found. 改译: 简答题 2分

29、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:要作出决定,你应该考虑各种因素。 译文: To make a decision, everything should be taken into consideration. 改译: 简答题 2分

30、Correct or improve the translation of the following Chinese sentences. Write your revised versions on the Answer Sheet. 原文:农村发展的问题就是在这样的基础上提出来的。 译文: The issue of countryside development has raised on such a basis. 改译: 简答题 2分

31、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. Obama also called climate change and nuclear proliferation"challenges that neither of our nations can solve by acting alone". He said the two will continue to"build a positive,cooperative and comprehensive relationship". 简答题 2分

32、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. More importantly, the research opens the way for the peoples of the East and the West to learn much from each other in fundamental ways. The Chinese could learn much from Western methods for determining scientific truth. And Americans could profit enormously from the Chinese tolerance for accepting contradictions in social and personal life. 简答题 2分

33、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. The two leaders already met once over diner Monday night, shortly after Obama arrived in the frigid Chinese capital from Shanghai. National security adviser James L. Jones described that meeting as an informal diner discussion"in which the two leaders discussed "the evolution and histories of China and the United States". 简答题 2分

34、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power. In contrast to one, all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. 简答题 2分

35、Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. All this reminds me of a theme that runs through my head like a line of music. Its message is Roundly simple,and profoundly mysterious also: Life goes on. That is all there is to it. Everything that is,was;and everything that is, will be. 简答题 2分

36、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 发展经济的目的就是满足人们日益增长的物质文化需求,就是让老百姓生活越来越好。“十二五”规划中,我们特别强调民生,把它作为规划的出发点和落脚点。 简答题 2分

37、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 我们的传统节日大都与古代的农业生产紧密相连.当我们告别农耕社会奔赴工业社会之后,传统节日在工业大生产时代功能开始式微。 简答题 2分

38、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet.已经看得越来越清楚了,市场不是万能的也有它的局限。因此,采取立法手段或者使用国家宏观调控手段,对涉及国计民生的某些领域进行调节,就是非常必要的了。 简答题 2分

39、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 为什么奶油比黄油更容易变质?有些研究人员认为他们已经找到了答案,归结起来就是:奶油与黄油的物理结构不同,而非化学成分有异。 简答题 2分

40、Translate the following underlined sentences into English. Write your translation on the answer Sheet. 尽管中国农业进一步发展面临不少困难,但我们仍将不懈努力,用行动来兑现诺言,要依靠自己的力量解决好吃饭问题。我们愿与世界各国携手奋进,共同创造一个无饥饿、无贫困、可持续发展的世界。 简答题 2分

41、Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.We are still in the middle of the Industrial Revolution. We had better be, for we have many things to put right in it. But it has made our world richer, smaller, and for the first time ours. And I mean that literally: our world, everybody 's world. From its earliest beginnings,when it was still dependent on water power,the Industrial Revolution was terribly cruel to those whose lives and livelihood it overturned. Revolutions are--- it is their nature,because by definition revolutions move too fast for those whom they strike. We still live in the middle of the Industrial Revolution and find it hard to see its implications, but the future will say of it that in the ascent of man it is a step, a stride, as powerful as the Renaissance. The Renaissance established the dignity of man. The Industrial Revolution established the unity of nature. 简答题 20分

42、Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet. 立足国内资源,实现粮食基本自给,是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针。中国将努力促进粮食增产,确保在正常情况下粮食自给率不低于95%,净进口量不超过国内消费量的5%,现阶段中国已经实现了粮食基本自给,在未来的发展过程中,中国依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给,客观上具备诸多有利因素。根据中国农业自然资源、生产条件、技术水平和其他发展条件,粮食增产潜力很大。 简答题 20分






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