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1、The record-smashing quantum computer reminds me of Prince of Persia. A dizzying array of lenses and prisms that stretch across the room, it looks rather like the light-directing puzzles common in such video games. I long to twist the lenses and shoot laser beams everywhere. That wouldn't make me popular here. A quiet stillness pervades the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, part of the University of Bristol. Because quantum states are fragile, the building’s design dampens vibrations and even filters the power supply to remove electrical noise. Each part of the machine spread before me is carefully aligned so that mixing a pair of light beams carries out a specific calculation. Now, it's set to turn 21 into 3 and 7, the two prime numbers that it is divisible by. It is the biggest number a quantum computer has ever broken into primes using the famous quantum protocol, Shor’s algorithm. Still, I can do the same thing in my head—so what’s the big deal? The answer is clearer at my next stop, where I see a wafer of 20 or so chips,each a few centimeters long and made of silicon dioxide. Although not yet as capable as the behemoth I first encountered, these chips are the next stage in the lab's attempt to build quantum computers that outperform even the best non-quantum machines. Information on an ordinary computer is stored as bits, which can be either a 1 or a 0. Quantum bits ,or qubits , are both at once, so a large array could process a great deal more information. But assembling even a handful of qubits is tough because of their fragility, so the best way to scale up is to scale down. “You could potentially start doing bigger and more complicated experiments,” says my guide, physicist Graham Marshall.“But can you make it so that it doesn't feel the presence of the moon, or the movement of tectonic plates? There is a limit to how well you can stabilize something on that scale." That's where the chips come in. Instead of using glass prisms to mix photons, channels filled with silicon nitride are etched into the chips’ surface in patterns that I can just make out .The channels confine and steer photons, guiding them so that they become “entangled” — a quantum property needed for computation. This should lead to computers that are easier to stabilize and so can scale up. A similar chip is already hooked up to the internet, making history as the first quantum processor available to the public. Still, the device doesn't incorporate a photon source or detector— these components spill out across another bench. What does the passage mainly describe?( ) 单选题 2分

2、The record-smashing quantum computer reminds me of Prince of Persia. A dizzying array of lenses and prisms that stretch across the room, it looks rather like the light-directing puzzles common in such video games. I long to twist the lenses and shoot laser beams everywhere. That wouldn't make me popular here. A quiet stillness pervades the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, part of the University of Bristol. Because quantum states are fragile, the building’s design dampens vibrations and even filters the power supply to remove electrical noise. Each part of the machine spread before me is carefully aligned so that mixing a pair of light beams carries out a specific calculation. Now, it's set to turn 21 into 3 and 7, the two prime numbers that it is divisible by. It is the biggest number a quantum computer has ever broken into primes using the famous quantum protocol, Shor’s algorithm. Still, I can do the same thing in my head—so what’s the big deal? The answer is clearer at my next stop, where I see a wafer of 20 or so chips,each a few centimeters long and made of silicon dioxide. Although not yet as capable as the behemoth I first encountered, these chips are the next stage in the lab's attempt to build quantum computers that outperform even the best non-quantum machines. Information on an ordinary computer is stored as bits, which can be either a 1 or a 0. Quantum bits ,or qubits , are both at once, so a large array could process a great deal more information. But assembling even a handful of qubits is tough because of their fragility, so the best way to scale up is to scale down. “You could potentially start doing bigger and more complicated experiments,” says my guide, physicist Graham Marshall.“But can you make it so that it doesn't feel the presence of the moon, or the movement of tectonic plates? There is a limit to how well you can stabilize something on that scale." That's where the chips come in. Instead of using glass prisms to mix photons, channels filled with silicon nitride are etched into the chips’ surface in patterns that I can just make out .The channels confine and steer photons, guiding them so that they become “entangled” — a quantum property needed for computation. This should lead to computers that are easier to stabilize and so can scale up. A similar chip is already hooked up to the internet, making history as the first quantum processor available to the public. Still, the device doesn't incorporate a photon source or detector— these components spill out across another bench. The building at the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information is designed to avoid(). 单选题 2分

3、The record-smashing quantum computer reminds me of Prince of Persia. A dizzying array of lenses and prisms that stretch across the room, it looks rather like the light-directing puzzles common in such video games. I long to twist the lenses and shoot laser beams everywhere. That wouldn't make me popular here. A quiet stillness pervades the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, part of the University of Bristol. Because quantum states are fragile, the building’s design dampens vibrations and even filters the power supply to remove electrical noise. Each part of the machine spread before me is carefully aligned so that mixing a pair of light beams carries out a specific calculation. Now, it's set to turn 21 into 3 and 7, the two prime numbers that it is divisible by. It is the biggest number a quantum computer has ever broken into primes using the famous quantum protocol, Shor’s algorithm. Still, I can do the same thing in my head—so what’s the big deal? The answer is clearer at my next stop, where I see a wafer of 20 or so chips,each a few centimeters long and made of silicon dioxide. Although not yet as capable as the behemoth I first encountered, these chips are the next stage in the lab's attempt to build quantum computers that outperform even the best non-quantum machines. Information on an ordinary computer is stored as bits, which can be either a 1 or a 0. Quantum bits ,or qubits , are both at once, so a large array could process a great deal more information. But assembling even a handful of qubits is tough because of their fragility, so the best way to scale up is to scale down. “You could potentially start doing bigger and more complicated experiments,” says my guide, physicist Graham Marshall.“But can you make it so that it doesn't feel the presence of the moon, or the movement of tectonic plates? There is a limit to how well you can stabilize something on that scale." That's where the chips come in. Instead of using glass prisms to mix photons, channels filled with silicon nitride are etched into the chips’ surface in patterns that I can just make out .The channels confine and steer photons, guiding them so that they become “entangled” — a quantum property needed for computation. This should lead to computers that are easier to stabilize and so can scale up. A similar chip is already hooked up to the internet, making history as the first quantum processor available to the public. Still, the device doesn't incorporate a photon source or detector— these components spill out across another bench. All the following distinguish a quantum computer from an ordinary computer EXCEPT(). 单选题 2分

4、The record-smashing quantum computer reminds me of Prince of Persia. A dizzying array of lenses and prisms that stretch across the room, it looks rather like the light-directing puzzles common in such video games. I long to twist the lenses and shoot laser beams everywhere. That wouldn't make me popular here. A quiet stillness pervades the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, part of the University of Bristol. Because quantum states are fragile, the building’s design dampens vibrations and even filters the power supply to remove electrical noise. Each part of the machine spread before me is carefully aligned so that mixing a pair of light beams carries out a specific calculation. Now, it's set to turn 21 into 3 and 7, the two prime numbers that it is divisible by. It is the biggest number a quantum computer has ever broken into primes using the famous quantum protocol, Shor’s algorithm. Still, I can do the same thing in my head—so what’s the big deal? The answer is clearer at my next stop, where I see a wafer of 20 or so chips,each a few centimeters long and made of silicon dioxide. Although not yet as capable as the behemoth I first encountered, these chips are the next stage in the lab's attempt to build quantum computers that outperform even the best non-quantum machines. Information on an ordinary computer is stored as bits, which can be either a 1 or a 0. Quantum bits ,or qubits , are both at once, so a large array could process a great deal more information. But assembling even a handful of qubits is tough because of their fragility, so the best way to scale up is to scale down. “You could potentially start doing bigger and more complicated experiments,” says my guide, physicist Graham Marshall.“But can you make it so that it doesn't feel the presence of the moon, or the movement of tectonic plates? There is a limit to how well you can stabilize something on that scale." That's where the chips come in. Instead of using glass prisms to mix photons, channels filled with silicon nitride are etched into the chips’ surface in patterns that I can just make out .The channels confine and steer photons, guiding them so that they become “entangled” — a quantum property needed for computation. This should lead to computers that are easier to stabilize and so can scale up. A similar chip is already hooked up to the internet, making history as the first quantum processor available to the public. Still, the device doesn't incorporate a photon source or detector— these components spill out across another bench. The word “behemoth” in line 2, para. 3 refers to ( ) . 单选题 2分

5、The record-smashing quantum computer reminds me of Prince of Persia. A dizzying array of lenses and prisms that stretch across the room, it looks rather like the light-directing puzzles common in such video games. I long to twist the lenses and shoot laser beams everywhere. That wouldn't make me popular here. A quiet stillness pervades the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, part of the University of Bristol. Because quantum states are fragile, the building’s design dampens vibrations and even filters the power supply to remove electrical noise. Each part of the machine spread before me is carefully aligned so that mixing a pair of light beams carries out a specific calculation. Now, it's set to turn 21 into 3 and 7, the two prime numbers that it is divisible by. It is the biggest number a quantum computer has ever broken into primes using the famous quantum protocol, Shor’s algorithm. Still, I can do the same thing in my head—so what’s the big deal? The answer is clearer at my next stop, where I see a wafer of 20 or so chips,each a few centimeters long and made of silicon dioxide. Although not yet as capable as the behemoth I first encountered, these chips are the next stage in the lab's attempt to build quantum computers that outperform even the best non-quantum machines. Information on an ordinary computer is stored as bits, which can be either a 1 or a 0. Quantum bits ,or qubits , are both at once, so a large array could process a great deal more information. But assembling even a handful of qubits is tough because of their fragility, so the best way to scale up is to scale down. “You could potentially start doing bigger and more complicated experiments,” says my guide, physicist Graham Marshall.“But can you make it so that it doesn't feel the presence of the moon, or the movement of tectonic plates? There is a limit to how well you can stabilize something on that scale." That's where the chips come in. Instead of using glass prisms to mix photons, channels filled with silicon nitride are etched into the chips’ surface in patterns that I can just make out .The channels confine and steer photons, guiding them so that they become “entangled” — a quantum property needed for computation. This should lead to computers that are easier to stabilize and so can scale up. A similar chip is already hooked up to the internet, making history as the first quantum processor available to the public. Still, the device doesn't incorporate a photon source or detector— these components spill out across another bench. What can be inferred from the passage about the quantum computer?( ) 单选题 2分

6、What if there was an easy way to take the carbon dioxide from coal power smokestacks and turn it back into a rock that would sit quietly, deep below the earth's surface? That would get around a key sticking point of current carbon storage schemes, which entail injecting CO2 into porous sedimentary rock formations such as sandstone-that the gas could eventually escape, seeping back up to the surface and into the atmosphere, heating the planet. Basaltic rock, which makes up part of the earth's crust, could be an alternative to sedimentary structures. Minerals within basalt, including magnesium, calcium and iron, gradually react with CO2 to form carbonate crystals inside the pores and seams of basalt, entombing the carbon as a permanent solid. This process, known as enhanced weathering, could capture massive amounts of CO2. Engineers are now trying to turn this bit of chemistry into practice. This summer near Wallula, Wash engineers injected almost l,000 metric tons of CO2 into layered basalt more than 800 meters belowground. For the next year they are monitoring how quickly and extensively those carbonate crystals appear. Some scientists have presumed that the process takes millennia to occur naturally, but laboratory results suggest it can occur in less than a decade. “It’s not 1,000 years-if’s not even several centuries,” says Pete McGrail, an environmental engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which oversees the project 。“We’re talking a few years to a few decades to complete the mineralization." That is quick enough to make a difference in the fight against global warming. Researchers expect to know more in December, when they have their first drill samples. Engineers at a second project in Iceland, known as CarbFix, are injecting 1,500 tons of CO2 over two years. They plan to pull samples in May and June 2014 and will continue monitoring through next December, according to Juerg Matter, a researcher at Columbia University who is involved with the work. Some scientists are skeptical about whether the carbonate minerals are as leak-proof as hoped. Susan Hovorka , a geologist and carbon-sequestralion expert at the University of Texas at Austin, says in certain conditions water deep below the surface could flow across the carbonate crystals and dissolve out the CO2, allowing the gas to possibly seep to the surface. Testing will be needed, she notes, to determine how well basalt will retain the carbon. The primary obstacle to carbon storage is policy rather than technical know-how, McGrail says. Without some economic incentive to sequester CO2 in this (or any) fashion, the practice is unlikely to spread. Still, if the pilot projects offer proof that the gas can be locked underground and policy makers follow with a tax on carbon, basalts could provide a viable storage option. About a quarter of India's many coal-fired power plants atop a huge basaltic formation known as the Deccan Traps. If basalt can put our global warming villain back from whence it came, there's a whole lot of CO2 ready to lock. What does the passage mainly discuss?( ) 单选题 2分

7、What if there was an easy way to take the carbon dioxide from coal power smokestacks and turn it back into a rock that would sit quietly, deep below the earth's surface? That would get around a key sticking point of current carbon storage schemes, which entail injecting CO2 into porous sedimentary rock formations such as sandstone-that the gas could eventually escape, seeping back up to the surface and into the atmosphere, heating the planet. Basaltic rock, which makes up part of the earth's crust, could be an alternative to sedimentary structures. Minerals within basalt, including magnesium, calcium and iron, gradually react with CO2 to form carbonate crystals inside the pores and seams of basalt, entombing the carbon as a permanent solid. This process, known as enhanced weathering, could capture massive amounts of CO2. Engineers are now trying to turn this bit of chemistry into practice. This summer near Wallula, Wash engineers injected almost l,000 metric tons of CO2 into layered basalt more than 800 meters belowground. For the next year they are monitoring how quickly and extensively those carbonate crystals appear. Some scientists have presumed that the process takes millennia to occur naturally, but laboratory results suggest it can occur in less than a decade. “It’s not 1,000 years-if’s not even several centuries,” says Pete McGrail, an environmental engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which oversees the project 。“We’re talking a few years to a few decades to complete the mineralization." That is quick enough to make a difference in the fight against global warming. Researchers expect to know more in December, when they have their first drill samples. Engineers at a second project in Iceland, known as CarbFix, are injecting 1,500 tons of CO2 over two years. They plan to pull samples in May and June 2014 and will continue monitoring through next December, according to Juerg Matter, a researcher at Columbia University who is involved with the work. Some scientists are skeptical about whether the carbonate minerals are as leak-proof as hoped. Susan Hovorka , a geologist and carbon-sequestralion expert at the University of Texas at Austin, says in certain conditions water deep below the surface could flow across the carbonate crystals and dissolve out the CO2, allowing the gas to possibly seep to the surface. Testing will be needed, she notes, to determine how well basalt will retain the carbon. The primary obstacle to carbon storage is policy rather than technical know-how, McGrail says. Without some economic incentive to sequester CO2 in this (or any) fashion, the practice is unlikely to spread. Still, if the pilot projects offer proof that the gas can be locked underground and policy makers follow with a tax on carbon, basalts could provide a viable storage option. About a quarter of India's many coal-fired power plants atop a huge basaltic formation known as the Deccan Traps. If basalt can put our global warming villain back from whence it came, there's a whole lot of CO2 ready to lock. What can be said about the present carbon storage schemes, according to the passage?( ) 单选题 2分

8、What if there was an easy way to take the carbon dioxide from coal power smokestacks and turn it back into a rock that would sit quietly, deep below the earth's surface? That would get around a key sticking point of current carbon storage schemes, which entail injecting CO2 into porous sedimentary rock formations such as sandstone-that the gas could eventually escape, seeping back up to the surface and into the atmosphere, heating the planet. Basaltic rock, which makes up part of the earth's crust, could be an alternative to sedimentary structures. Minerals within basalt, including magnesium, calcium and iron, gradually react with CO2 to form carbonate crystals inside the pores and seams of basalt, entombing the carbon as a permanent solid. This process, known as enhanced weathering, could capture massive amounts of CO2. Engineers are now trying to turn this bit of chemistry into practice. This summer near Wallula, Wash engineers injected almost l,000 metric tons of CO2 into layered basalt more than 800 meters belowground. For the next year they are monitoring how quickly and extensively those carbonate crystals appear. Some scientists have presumed that the process takes millennia to occur naturally, but laboratory results suggest it can occur in less than a decade. “It’s not 1,000 years-if’s not even several centuries,” says Pete McGrail, an environmental engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which oversees the project 。“We’re talking a few years to a few decades to complete the mineralization." That is quick enough to make a difference in the fight against global warming. Researchers expect to know more in December, when they have their first drill samples. Engineers at a second project in Iceland, known as CarbFix, are injecting 1,500 tons of CO2 over two years. They plan to pull samples in May and June 2014 and will continue monitoring through next December, according to Juerg Matter, a researcher at Columbia University who is involved with the work. Some scientists are skeptical about whether the carbonate minerals are as leak-proof as hoped. Susan Hovorka , a geologist and carbon-sequestralion expert at the University of Texas at Austin, says in certain conditions water deep below the surface could flow across the carbonate crystals and dissolve out the CO2, allowing the gas to possibly seep to the surface. Testing will be needed, she notes, to determine how well basalt will retain the carbon. The primary obstacle to carbon storage is policy rather than technical know-how, McGrail says. Without some economic incentive to sequester CO2 in this (or any) fashion, the practice is unlikely to spread. Still, if the pilot projects offer proof that the gas can be locked underground and policy makers follow with a tax on carbon, basalts could provide a viable storage option. About a quarter of India's many coal-fired power plants atop a huge basaltic formation known as the Deccan Traps. If basalt can put our global warming villain back from whence it came, there's a whole lot of CO2 ready to lock. The term “enhanced weathering ” in line 4. para. 2 most probably refers to(). 单选题 2分

9、What if there was an easy way to take the carbon dioxide from coal power smokestacks and turn it back into a rock that would sit quietly, deep below the earth's surface? That would get around a key sticking point of current carbon storage schemes, which entail injecting CO2 into porous sedimentary rock formations such as sandstone-that the gas could eventually escape, seeping back up to the surface and into the atmosphere, heating the planet. Basaltic rock, which makes up part of the earth's crust, could be an alternative to sedimentary structures. Minerals within basalt, including magnesium, calcium and iron, gradually react with CO2 to form carbonate crystals inside the pores and seams of basalt, entombing the carbon as a permanent solid. This process, known as enhanced weathering, could capture massive amounts of CO2. Engineers are now trying to turn this bit of chemistry into practice. This summer near Wallula, Wash engineers injected almost l,000 metric tons of CO2 into layered basalt more than 800 meters belowground. For the next year they are monitoring how quickly and extensively those carbonate crystals appear. Some scientists have presumed that the process takes millennia to occur naturally, but laboratory results suggest it can occur in less than a decade. “It’s not 1,000 years-if’s not even several centuries,” says Pete McGrail, an environmental engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which oversees the project 。“We’re talking a few years to a few decades to complete the mineralization." That is quick enough to make a difference in the fight against global warming. Researchers expect to know more in December, when they have their first drill samples. Engineers at a second project in Iceland, known as CarbFix, are injecting 1,500 tons of CO2 over two years. They plan to pull samples in May and June 2014 and will continue monitoring through next December, according to Juerg Matter, a researcher at Columbia University who is involved with the work. Some scientists are skeptical about whether the carbonate minerals are as leak-proof as hoped. Susan Hovorka , a geologist and carbon-sequestralion expert at the University of Texas at Austin, says in certain conditions water deep below the surface could flow across the carbonate crystals and dissolve out the CO2, allowing the gas to possibly seep to the surface. Testing will be needed, she notes, to determine how well basalt will retain the carbon. The primary obstacle to carbon storage is policy rather than technical know-how, McGrail says. Without some economic incentive to sequester CO2 in this (or any) fashion, the practice is unlikely to spread. Still, if the pilot projects offer proof that the gas can be locked underground and policy makers follow with a tax on carbon, basalts could provide a viable storage option. About a quarter of India's many coal-fired power plants atop a huge basaltic formation known as the Deccan Traps. If basalt can put our global warming villain back from whence it came, there's a whole lot of CO2 ready to lock. All the following words in the passage refer to the same thing EXCEPT ( ). 单选题 2分

10、What if there was an easy way to take the carbon dioxide from coal power smokestacks and turn it back into a rock that would sit quietly, deep below the earth's surface? That would get around a key sticking point of current carbon storage schemes, which entail injecting CO2 into porous sedimentary rock formations such as sandstone-that the gas could eventually escape, seeping back up to the surface and into the atmosphere, heating the planet. Basaltic rock, which makes up part of the earth's crust, could be an alternative to sedimentary structures. Minerals within basalt, including magnesium, calcium and iron, gradually react with CO2 to form carbonate crystals inside the pores and seams of basalt, entombing the carbon as a permanent solid. This process, known as enhanced weathering, could capture massive amounts of CO2. Engineers are now trying to turn this bit of chemistry into practice. This summer near Wallula, Wash engineers injected almost l,000 metric tons of CO2 into layered basalt more than 800 meters belowground. For the next year they are monitoring how quickly and extensively those carbonate crystals appear. Some scientists have presumed that the process takes millennia to occur naturally, but laboratory results suggest it can occur in less than a decade. “It’s not 1,000 years-if’s not even several centuries,” says Pete McGrail, an environmental engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which oversees the project 。“We’re talking a few years to a few decades to complete the mineralization." That is quick enough to make a difference in the fight against global warming. Researchers expect to know more in December, when they have their first drill samples. Engineers at a second project in Iceland, known as CarbFix, are injecting 1,500 tons of CO2 over two years. They plan to pull samples in May and June 2014 and will continue monitoring through next December, according to Juerg Matter, a researcher at Columbia University who is involved with the work. Some scientists are skeptical about whether the carbonate minerals are as leak-proof as hoped. Susan Hovorka , a geologist and carbon-sequestralion expert at the University of Texas at Austin, says in certain conditions water deep below the surface could flow across the carbonate crystals and dissolve out the CO2, allowing the gas to possibly seep to the surface. Testing will be needed, she notes, to determine how well basalt will retain the carbon. The primary obstacle to carbon storage is policy rather than technical know-how, McGrail says. Without some economic incentive to sequester CO2 in this (or any) fashion, the practice is unlikely to spread. Still, if the pilot projects offer proof that the gas can be locked underground and policy makers follow with a tax on carbon, basalts could provide a viable storage option. About a quarter of India's many coal-fired power plants atop a huge basaltic formation known as the Deccan Traps. If basalt can put our global warming villain back from whence it came, there's a whole lot of CO2 ready to lock. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Pete McGrail, according to the passage?( ) 单选题 2分

11、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Interact 互相作用的 简答题 1分

12、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Mathematics 数学家 简答题 1分

13、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Alternance 可选择的 简答题 1分

14、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Organic 无机的 简答题 1分

15、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Compare 可比的 简答题 1分

16、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Technology 生物技术 简答题 1分

17、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Culture 水产养殖 简答题 1分

18、Directions: Add the affix:(es) to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. Harmony 和谐的 简答题 1分

19、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with 、 stand for 、 short of 、 exposure to、 end up 、 cater for 、 a host of 、 take into account、 at work 、 in contrast、 a wide range of 、 with respect to. ()with her short sister, she is very tall. 简答题 1分

20、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. To him, the trip is() unexpected excitement. 简答题 1分

21、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. These books()everyone regardless of age or sex. 简答题 1分

22、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. The old man has got ()interests. 简答题 1分

23、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. As we are ()hands, it is really hard for us to finish the work on time. 简答题 1分

24、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. Having()all the circumstances ,he decided not to say anything further about it. 简答题 1分

25、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. The two groups were similar ()their English level. 简答题 1分

26、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. The writer has been ()on s new book for months. 简答题 1分

27、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. The best part of the job was her constant()books. 简答题 1分

28、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. BBC () British broadcasting Corporation. 简答题 1分

29、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. To their surprise,()ants were found on the floor. 简答题 1分

30、Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET: replete with stand for short of exposure to end up cater for a host of take into account at work in contrast a wide range of with respect to. Her education ()with the eighth grade. 简答题 1分

31、Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. at glow through seeing by to under Generate reflecting shaking “When the stress of an earthquake hits the rock ,it breaks chemical bonds... creating holes of positive electrical charge. These holes can flow vertically(1)the fault to the surface, triggering strong local electric fields that can (2)light," according to Nature. The existence of these holes was proposed in 2003 (3) researcher Friedemann Freund, who wrote that“(4) normal conditions these holes are dormant, but when they wake up during earthquakes, the rocks begin to sparkle and (5)." The researchers sifted through many strange tales to arrive (6) their final 65 reliable sightings. Nature reported. Among those: Off the Peruvian coast in August 2007, a fisherman reported the sky turning violet a few minutes before the sea began (7) . Near Ebingen , Germany, in November 1911, a woman reported (8) glows that moved along the ground “like snakes” as a quake began. Spreading the word about earthquake lights could help them to be used as possible earthquake warnings. In at least one case, lights have alerted people about an impending quake, according to Nature:“Near L’Aquila, Italy, in April 2009, a man saw white flashes (9)off his kitchen fumiture in the early hours of the morning and took his family outside (10) safety.” And two hours later, a huge earthquake rocked the region. 简答题 10分

32、Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. specialize in、 in memory of、 coincide with 、Contend with、 alleviate 他写了一首感人的长诗来纪念他的夫人. 简答题 2分

33、Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. specialize in、 in memory of、 coincide with 、Contend with、 alleviate 他取了些阿司匹林以缓解自己的头痛. 简答题 2分

34、Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. specialize in、 in memory of、 coincide with 、Contend with、 alleviate 他年轻时必须与许多困难作斗争. 简答题 2分

35、Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. specialize in、 in memory of、 coincide with 、Contend with、 alleviate 我们专门经营各种类型的钟表。 简答题 2分

36、Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. specialize in、 in memory of、 coincide with 、Contend with、 alleviate 他的品味与习惯跟他的妻子一样. 简答题 2分

37、Translate the following paragraph Into Chinese.46. The essential ideas of this method are very simple and can be described briefly as follows: Given a region whose area is to be determined, we inscribe in it a polygonal region which approximates the given region and whose area we can easily compute .Then we choose another polygonal region which gives a better approximation,and we continue the process,taking polygons with more and more sides in an attempt to exhaust the given region. 简答题 15分

38、Read the following passage, and then fill in the table with the information based on the passage. Modem physicists still look mostly at things we can’t see. Either very small things in quantum physics or very  big things like galaxies. Putting them together is the main problem of modem physics. The universe of space and time described by Einstein is made up of the noisy fast-moving  little sub-atomic particles and other small things. If you want to know how the universe began—with a tiny size but very big mass, then you need a theory that fits  both together. At the moment, the theory suggests that the things we can see—stars and planets etc. make up only 5% of the universe. The rest is 25% “dark matter” and 70% “dark energy”. A theory that could explain all that would be a “theory of everything" —— the real laws of nature. There are already suggestions of what it might be. Scientists think that the laws of nature might be rather simple, even though the real world is full of strange and beautifully complicated things. One suggestion is called “string theory”, the idea is that inside every particle there is some energy that is like the string of a musical instrument — the way it vibrates  makes  a different sort of particle. At the moment they say there are eighteen sorts. 简答题 10分

39、Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) In English on the following title. Develop the Ideas according to the Chinese outline given below. Fight Against Obesity (1)随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人患有肥胖症; (2)肥胖症给人健康带来的危害; (3)我对保持身体健康,战胜肥胖的建议。 简答题 15分



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