1、一、简单解释下列术语(40%) 对比语言学与比较语言学 简答题 10分
2、历时与共时研究 简答题 10分
3、英语5大基本句型 简答题 10分
4、形合和意合 简答题 10分
5、二、通过汉英版本对比,说明汉英中的柔性与刚性的语法特征(15%) 远书归梦两悠悠,只有空床敌素秋。 阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。 (李商隐《端居》) Staying Idle in My Room Letters from my wife and old dreams with her Are both remote and vague. There is only clear autumn To accompany me on my empty bed. With crimsoned trees and Green mosses Under the stepping-stone. I feel solitary during the rain And melancholy under the moon. 简答题 15分
6、三、试用分析下列英汉版本,总结替代和重复在英汉话语组织法方面的特征(15%) After watching the fish for some time, they asked me for pairs of several different kinds, pointing them out as they walked down the rows of tanks. I netted their choices into a traveling container and slipped it into an insulated bag for transport, handing it to the boy. “Carry it carefully,” I cautioned. 他们注视着那些鱼类好一会儿后,便要我给他们几对不同的鱼,一面在水箱之间走来走去,一面将所有的鱼指出来,我把他们选定的鱼用网捞出来,先放在一个让他带回去的容器中,再(…) 装进一个不漏水的袋子里,以便携带,然后将袋子交给那个男孩儿。“好好地提着(…)”我指点他。 简答题 15分
7、四、简述下列问题(30%): 为什么要进行汉英对比研究?如何有效地开展汉英对比研究? 简答题 15分
8、如何看待对比分析在外语学习和教学中的地位和作用? 简答题 15分